RNC Issues Statement on Joint Lawsuit With GAGOP

From a press release from the Republican National Committee:

The Republican National Committee and the Georgia Republican Party filed suit last night to ensure Georgia election law is properly followed for the January 5th runoff election. The lawsuit demands poll watchers be allowed to do their jobs permitted under Georgia law, and safeguards in the law pertaining to ballot “drop boxes” are upheld.

“While we continue to fight multiple cases of election irregularities from the general election, we also must fight to ensure they never happen again. Election laws need to be properly followed so Americans can have confidence in the results. This lawsuit seeks to force Georgia election officials to simply follow the laws on their books as they pertain to poll watchers and drop boxes. We will never stop fighting to ensure free and fair elections in our country.” – RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel

“We must restore confidence in the integrity of our elections. The time for begging elections officials to do their job and obey the law is over.” – Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer

During the November 3rd general election and subsequent recount, the legal right of political party committees to appoint poll watchers to observe the process was abridged in numerous polling and tabulation locations across Georgia. This suit attempts to force Georgia election officials to properly enforce the law so this does not happen again for the January 5th runoff.

Additionally, the suit demands the state clarify rules promulgated by the Georgia State Election Board to ensure drop boxes are properly secured and surveilled. Laws pertaining to drop boxes were not properly followed during the November 3rd general election, and the suit demands that the Georgia Secretary of State promptly prepare and distribute materials and guidance instructing the continuous video surveillance of all drop box locations.

The RNC has spent tens of millions of dollars over the last two years funding legal efforts in multiple states, and we continue the fight for election integrity across the country. Democrat lawyers and rogue election officials have made an unprecedented power grab by trying to change election laws and we will continue fighting these challenges in court as long as is necessary to help ensure free and fair elections in our country.

Click here to view a copy of the full complaint.


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