Author: Charlie

Mocking Earth Day Is Poor Form, Bad Strategy

This week’s Courier Herald column: This week marks the 52nd celebration of Earth Day, a celebration first observed on April 22nd, 1970.  How this day is viewed is likely determined by two highly correlated variables. The distance between the first Earth Day and the birthdate of one considering the holiday would tend to show a

Even After Elections Georgia Remains Political And Economic Ground Zero

This week’s Courier Herald column: Georgia is once again the epicenter of national politics.  The vehicle of choice this time is a bill to codify changes to Georgia’s voting laws.  An objective observer would find it important to delineate the word “codify” because many of the procedures used during the 2020 elections were done outside

GAGOP Political Theater Closes 2020 Chapter; Launches 2022 Season

This week’s Courier Herald column: It’s time to close the books on the November election.  After all, it’s spring of 2021.  What happened in 2020 is done.  And yet, Georgia Republicans have some unfinished business which must be addressed. Former President Trump’s refusal to accept that he lost his bid for re-election and the aftermath

It’s Daylight Complaining Time Again

This week’s Courier Herald column: This is the week we “Spring Forward”.  That’s both a public service announcement, as well as your warning that the semi-annual kerfuffle over time changes is about to inundate your social media feeds.  Despite virtually every adult understanding that there are still only 24 hours in a day, and that

Covid Winter Is Still Here, But Spring Is Coming

This week’s Courier Herald column: It was a beautiful 68-degree and sunny day at my house Tuesday, and I missed it.  I was there, but after almost a year of limited outside activities and a couple of weeks of bitter cold, I’m overly conditioned to accepting HVAC controlled 72 degrees and inside as my status