Author: Charlie

Small Fixes Transcend Bigger Divide

This week’s Courier Herald column: Candidates, partisan activists, and media members alike put too much focus on the differences between the political extremes rather than practical action steps necessary to actually solve problems.  On one end of the spectrum you have those who want to get every government entity “small enough so they can get

When Wall Street Becomes A Casino

This week’s Courier Herald column: There was an interesting story from the business and investing world that briefly spilled over into mainstream news this week.  The events that transpired not only had the ability to affect major financial markets, but as is usually the case, will have political ramifications too.  Shares of Gamestop, a struggling

For The Love Of Country, Love

This week’s Courier Herald column: Social conservatives are especially dejected after the 2020 elections. Many are wondering where to go from here. Some doubt the future of the country. I know some who are openly questioning their beliefs and how a result they were entirely sure was not going to happen was allowed to become

McDonald PSC Win Shows Way Forward For GOP

This week’s Courier Herald column: The first week of January was a long year in Georgia politics.  The most expensive Senate elections in history flipped two seats and control of the entire Senate.  A protest over the result of November’s elections became an occupation of the Nation’s capitol building.  Along the way many of Georgia’s

2021: The Year Of Moving Forward

This week’s Courier Herald column: The calendar tells us we’re upon a new year.  The routine says we’re still stuck in the present.  It’s up to each of us, individually, to reconcile the two. The Great Time Out started in March with “two weeks to flatten the curve”.  The calendar tells us that two weeks