Author: Charlie

Morning Reads For Monday August 24th

Good morning. I’m filling in for Theresa this morning to bring you a few articles of note: Georgia Covid update: 1800 new cases Sunday. 33 new deaths reported statewide in the last 24 hours. 83% of the state’s critical care beds are full. (Edit: Despite being on the CL-E’s front web page this morning, this

Governor Kemp Withdraws Suit With City of Atlanta; To Issue New Executive Order

The following is a statement released from Governor Brian Kemp’s office, regarding the lawsuit over local mask mandates and a subsequent lawsuit with the City of Atlanta: “I sued the City of Atlanta to immediately stop the shuttering of local businesses and protect local workers from economic instability. For weeks, we have worked in good

Sense Of Urgency Needed In Education

This week’s Courier Herald column: To understand the future, we first need to understand the past.  To change the future, we first must change the present. There was a time, not long ago at all, when good policy was good politics. Good policy wasn’t hyper partisan – quite the contrary.  Good policy was post-partisan.  Good

Get Over It. Wear A Mask

This week’s Courier Herald column: Let’s not mince words here.  We need to be wearing masks if we have any hope of ending the pandemic early. Yes, I’m willing to acknowledge those who claim the pandemic hasn’t been politicized are being willfully ignorant or flat out lying.  You are also correct if you point out

Herman Cain Has Died

Herman Cain seemed to come out of nowhere to make a competitive run for U.S. Senate here in Georgia. He spent time as a front runner during the 2012 Presidential contest. (9-9-9 should get another look). He beat stage IV cancer. He spent a good bit of time behind a radio mic and donating his