Author: Charlie

Georgia Reopening Scope Expands

Governor Kemp updated the progress on Georgia’s re-opening this afternoon with an expansion of businesses that will be allowed to open – all after meeting new guidelines to minimize the possibility of spreading disease. A few highlights gleaned from the twitterverse: Bars and nightclubs can re-open June 1. If you’re not quite there yet, in-person

Sakrison Signs Term Limit Pledge – Gets Attacked Anyway

Incompetence from a well intentioned group, or a grifting operation supporting one candidate while pretending to be an “independent” expenditure committee? In the case of U.S. Term Limits and the race for Georgia House District 71, it could be either. Maybe both. As is custom, interest groups spend the time between qualifying and an election

It’s Time To Move Forward

This week’s Courier Herald column: We thought it would be two weeks.  It’s been over two months. While we as a people were briefly united at the beginning of the pandemic – at least as much as we can be these days – we’ve begun to devolve into our more typical posture.  Instead of us

Governor Kemp Announces 1,500 New Jobs In Microsoft Expansion

Despite the record number of Georgians seeking unemployment due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Georgia’s Economic Development team remains hard at work. There have been several smaller announcements in the past few weeks, but today’s announcement is a trophy. Microsoft is adding a facility in Atlanta’s West Midtown area, and will be adding 1,500 positions to

Appropriations Committees To Hold Joint Virtual Meeting At 11:15am

The House and Senate Appropriations Committees will have another joint meeting this morning, held virtually, at 11:15 am. You can observe this meeting by clicking here. The committees met last week to begin the adjustments needed to the spending plans in progress before the Covid-19 suspension of the General Assembly in March. Members submitted questions

Governor Kemp Makes Adjustments; Bars, Nightclubs & Live Event Venues Remain Closed

I started with that headline in hopes that national media, specifically those at CNBC, take notice. It seems some segments of New York based media enjoy reporting that Georgia is “fully open” with “no restrictions”, when in fact, Georgia has significant restrictions on those businesses that have been allowed to reopen, with some such as