Author: Charlie

Gov Kemp Covid-19 Update: Executive Order Closes GA K-12 Schools For the Remainder of School Year; Shelter In Place Order Coming

Governor Brian Kemp held an update this afternoon featuring his Covid-19 task force leaders, utilizing the open spaces of Freedom Park across the street Capitol in order to maximize social distancing from those assembled for the event. Two major news items: Georgia’s brick and mortar public schools will remain closed through the end of the

On Being Trapped In The Present

This week’s Courier Herald column: There’s no time like the present.  At the moment, that’s all we have. When the world changes as drastically as it has, we are all trapped in the present.  Many who had steady and stable jobs or thriving businesses just weeks ago are filled with doubt and uncertainty about the

Georgia Seeks Medicare & Medicaid Waivers To Streamline Covid-19 Response

From a press release: Atlanta, GA – Today Governor Kemp and the Department of Community Health (DCH) submitted a request to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for an 1135 Medicaid waiver. Concurrently, the Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) submitted a request to CMS for a 1135 Medicare waiver. “As we continue fighting COVID-19, these

Judge Carla Wong McMillan Appointed To GA Supreme Court; Colvin, Pipkin To Court Of Appeals

It’s a big day for Georgia’s appellate courts, as Governor Brian Kemp has made three appointments. Appeals Court Judge Carla Wong McMillan has been elevated to Georgia’s highest court. Filling two vacancies on Georgia’s Court of Appeals are Verda M Coleman and John A. “Trey” Pipkin III. McMillan is taking the seat vacated by Justice

GA State Representative Gambill Joins 5 State Senators Having Covid-19

From the Georgia House of Representatives: State Representative Matthew Gambill (R-Cartersville) has tested positive for the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19).  He began a period of self-quarantine over the weekend of Friday, March 13, after learning he had been exposed to someone who tested positive for the virus. On Monday, March 16, Rep. Gambill was tested for

CNBC: Nick Ayers Tasked To “Reopen The Economy”

What is shut down must eventually be re-opened. CNBC reports this evening, Former Vice President Pence Chief of Staff and Georgia political operative Nick Ayers has been tasked with figuring that out. CNBC’s Kayla Tausche reports that Ayers is “something of a backchannel between the White House, Capitol Hill, and Corporate America” and among other