Author: Charlie

Time To Move School Choice Beyond Slogans

This week’s Courier Herald column: It’s National School Choice week across the country, and several organizations will make their presence felt at Georgia’s Capitol this week. Many will be patted on the heads and told by legislators and candidates how important school choice is to them. We’ve been hearing this for years. Lately, however, tangible

Atlanta On Short List For Amazon HQ2

As has been predicted by most of the informed folks following Atlanta’s bid to land Amazon’s HQ2 – and up to 50,000 jobs that come with it – Atlanta has made the short list of cities that will now enter the real competition stage for this Super Bowl of Economic Development.  Conor Sen shared the

Capitol Takes A Snow Day…Mostly

Update: The Governor has announced that most state offices will remain closed Thursday due to the amount of ice on the ground and the fact that temps won’t rise above freezing until sometime tomorrow. This photo of the Capitol in the morning snow was sent to us by Rep Karen Mathiak (R-Griffin), with the photo

Poll: Georgians Believe State Is On Right Track

The AJC has a poll out this morning and headlined it with Donald Trump’s popularity.  That generates clicks, but Trump isn’t on the ballot in 2018.  Georgia’s statewide constitutional offices are, as are all members of the Georgia General Assembly.  The spots for Governor, Lt Governor, Secretary of State, Insurance Commissioner, and a PSC Member

Georgia Chamber Releases “8 For 18” Business Agenda

Per press release from the Georgia Chamber of Commerce: Atlanta, GA – Thursday, January 11, 2018 – In commemoration of the 2018 legislative session, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce revealed the organization’s 8 for 18 priorities during their annual Eggs & Issues Breakfast. Created as a 2018 initiative, the Georgia Chamber’s 8 for 18 priorities

State Of The State At 11am: Watch Live

Governor Nathan Deal will offer his final state of the state address this morning.  Expect a bit of a reflection – a well earned victory lap if you will.  This is not, however, a Governor who is ready to rest on his laurels.  There are things he still wishes to accomplish.  He previewed at least