Author: Charlie

Gov Deal Appoints Monroe, Spencer To Bench

Governor Nathan Deal has made two judicial appointments today.  From a press release: Gov. Nathan Deal today announced the appointments of Jeffery O. Monroe to a State Court judgeship within Bibb County and Margaret L. Spencer to a State Court judgeship within Clayton County. The vacancy within the State Court of Bibb County was created

Georgia Holds Fate Of Future US Nuclear Power

On Monday, the two utilities building nuclear reactors at the Virgil C Summer nuclear site decided to pull the plug on the project, scuttling two of the four nuclear reactors currently under construction in the United States. The remaining two nuclear reactors are on the other side of the Savannah River, in Burke County Georgia.

Happy Birthday Jessica

You all know her. If you’ve been reading here long enough, she’s probably written something that upset you. You may have even thought her self-imposed exile to South Georgia would have provided a reprieve, but then she just keeps showing up at the Capitol or here or on Fox-5, like it or not. Today is