Author: Charlie

Isakson Proposes Comprehensive G.I. Bill Update & Reform

From a press release: WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, today introduced broad, bipartisan legislation that seeks to improve veterans’ education benefits and enhance the post-9/11 G.I. Bill. The Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, S.1598, will further invest in the proven educational

Karen Handel Announces Staff Hires

Karen Handel was sworn in as the member of Congress from Georgia’s 6th District on June 26th. Congress has been in session all but the week of the 4th of July holiday since then, which has required some juggling between executing the duties of a Congresswoman while building a team for the long haul. While

Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens Not Running For Re-Election

The AJC’s James Salzer is reporting that long running rumors are true. Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens won’t be seeking re-election. State Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens, a two-term incumbent and former state lawmaker, has decided against running for another term in 2018. Hudgens served in the state House and Senate from the Athens area, rising to

The Sixth Georgia

This week’s Courier Herald column. You can read the other columns in this series by following this link.   For the past weeks, this column has taken a look at the five political and economic regions that form the governing coalitions of Georgia politics. This was an attempt to help readers to understand how current

Five Georgias: Health Care

This week’s Courier Herald column. You can read the rest of this series by following this link. As we continue this series on the five geographic and economic regions that define the governing coalitions that control Georgia politics, it’s time that we consider the politics of health care delivery in the state. The Affordable Care

Five Georgias: Education

This week’s Courier Herald column. You may read the rest of this series by following this link. There is one policy area that befuddles Georgia politicians and voters alike. The condition of our public education system doesn’t match the otherwise generally positive perception of the state. Georgia, in whole, is viewed as place of opportunity.