Author: Charlie

Five Georgias: One Transportation Network

This week’s Courier Herald column. You may find the previous parts of this series by following this link. We’ve spent the last several weeks delving into the Five Georgias – the five distinct regions that form economic and political coalitions which govern the state. These include Atlanta’s Urban Core, Suburban Atlanta, The Coast, The Mountains,

Five Georgias: South Georgia

This week’s Courier Herald column. You may find the previous parts of this series by following this link. There was a time in the not too distant past that South Georgia ruled state politics. Given that the state was divided into “Atlanta” and “Other Georgia” and Atlanta was easily outnumbered by the others, being from

Five Georgia’s: The Mountains

This week’s Courier Herald column. You may find the previous parts of this series by following this link. For the past several weeks we’ve been taking a look at the regions of Georgia which make up the geographic and economic coalitions that drive state politics. The first two regions compose Atlanta, the Urban Core and

Walton GOP BBQ Kicks Off 2018 Primary Race

As is custom, Roy Roberts welcomed GOP activists from across the state to his farm last evening for a little bit of BBQ and a lot of politics.  (Good BBQ, excellent Brunswick stew – with no added green stuff, the way God intended it.) The Walton County annual event draws Republicans from well outside the

Five Georgias: The Coast

This week’s Courier Herald column. You may find the previous parts of this series by following this link. For the past few weeks we’ve been taking a look at the regions that make up the political and economic coalitions that influence the politics and policy governing Georgia. Gone are the days of “Two Georgias”, where

Five Georgias: Suburban Atlanta

This week’s Courier Herald column. You may find the previous parts of this series by following this link. In this fourth installment of a series explaining the regions that make up Georgia’s statewide geographic political factions, we’re going to explore the newfound statewide power broker. That would be the roughly four million people that live

The Two Georgias Are Now Five Georgias

This week’s Courier Herald column: This is the second in a series. The introductory column can be found here. During the 1980’s, the Director of Georgia’s Cooperative Extension Service Tal DuVall published a study on “Two Georgias”, highlighting the growing disparity between a prosperous and growing metro Atlanta, and a mostly rural “other Georgia”. It

A Personal Programming Note

As I’ve noted here before, I’m openly supporting Karen Handel. We previously discussed that Lawton Sack was taking the lead for GOP coverage of the GA-6 race, and Stefan Turkheimer has been our POC for the Ossoff campaign.  None of that changes now that we’re in the runoff. As of today, I’m joining the Handel