Author: Cody

Attorney General Carr Announces New Leadership Team

Newly minted Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr rolled out his picks for senior leadership today. Replacing Solicitor General Britt Grant, who was appointed by Governor Deal to the Georgia Supreme Court, Carr is promoting Deputy Solicitor General, Sarah Hawkins Warren. Warren also served as the Special Counsel for Water Litigation and was heavily involved in

Senator Isakson Pays Tribute To A Friend

If you’re like me and wonder how our political climate reached such a toxic level, perhaps an answer lies in our nation having fewer and fewer statesmen like Johnny Isakson and Joe Biden. No matter your politics, I hope you’ll take the time to watch this short clip of Georgia’s senior senator as he honors

Price Looking to Move Up, Others Look To Run

As Ed posted earlier, Politico is reporting that 6th District Congressman Tom Price is in the running to be president-elect Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services. Local rumors also have him as a front runner to be the Office of Management and Budget Director. As many Americans are now coming to terms with, it

A Note on Write-In Candidates

This election cycle, many individuals that I talk to on a frequent basis are examining the possibility of voting for a write-in candidate for president given our disappointing choices from the major two party candidates. While the most prominent of these candidates are Evan McMullin and Jill Stein, there are a host of others –

Conservative Third Party Candidate Ramps Up Efforts

Despite multiple attempts at drafting, soliciting, cajoling, arm twisting,  pleading, and oftentimes begging, conservative media and establishment types repeatedly failed to draft a third party candidate into the presidential race. Right when all seemed lost for any third party movement to get on individual state ballots, raise the money necessary, or hire enough staff, Evan

Data Shows An Opening For Democrats In Georgia

In the past, Democrats have asserted that demographics in Georgia, spurred by population growth in the metro-Atlanta area, would eventually give them the ability to be competitive in statewide politics. Their case is based on increased Asian American and Hispanic registration and strong turnout among reliably Democratic African American voters. This was the argument in

No Easy Fix to Congressional Budgeting Woes

As The New York Times reported earlier this week, perennial negotiations on the thirteen federal appropriations bills have stalled once again. Despite early handshake agreements between congressional leaders, it seems that the upcoming recess in September will come and go with only one of the thirteen bills passed. Per The Times: Democrats have accused the Senate majority