Jerry Falwell Jr working on book with Jimmy Carter John Lewis spoke at San Fran’s International Congress of Youth Voices. DNC Chair: Abrams Race a “Personal”, Party Focus How do Georgia precincts get 270% voter turnout? RealGM: RJ Hunter Still Working on Return to NBA Executive Profile: GSU President Mark Becker After season on practice
Stacey Abrams made a trip to Manhattan on Monday to discuss her book: “Minority Leader.” Abrams said she hopes people stop fixating on her being the first black nominee for governor of Georgia calling that “Crayola politics.” “Fundamentally it doesn’t really matter what race you are; we want a good governor who can lead.” You
Former President Barack Obama made his “first wave” of endorsements nationwide in the 2018 race. While four Georgia Democrats received his good news, John Barrow, a national co-chair of Obama’s “Vote for Change” initiative during the 2008 presidential race, did not. Ouch. A message was left for the Barrow campaign and I’ll update when I
Democrats almost assuredly like the results from the latest Gravis Marketing poll. Trump disapproval 49%, only 46% approve! Generic Dem congressional candidate up by four points! Abrams over Kemp by two points! Sarah Riggs Amico(!) over Goff [sic] Duncan by two points! Barrow over Raffensberger by four(!) points! Same-sex marriage supporters outnumber opponents by three percent! But
I’m sad summer is now coming to a close. I suppose there will be another one in a few months. Update on Carter’s development around Georgia State Stadium. Mattis’ Diplomatic Judgement Akin to Carter’s America Needs Jimmy’s Cardigans Now More Than Ever Sonny Thrust into International Spotlight His Oped on How Trump Will Protect American
To most readers of*, hearing about the passing of Walter Strauss would probably register as only the death of a 94-year-old Jewish shoe salesman in Downtown Atlanta. And that’s technically true. He was “just” a shoe salesman, albeit one with an incredible life. But he turned Walter’s Clothing into an institution. Does it seem
Cook Political Report: Race Now Leans GOP, “Great Potential” for Tossup Georgia Gets the Woman Vs Mini-Trump it Deserves History: 65% of runoffs with no incumbent won by first-place primary finisher Panthers Poised to Lead Sun Belt in 18-19. Jimmy: US “Abandoned” Role as Human Rights Leader
The Party of the Great Communicator truly has it’s rightful air. Jimmy: Under Trump the Government is Worse than it has been Before Mayor Bottoms already doing better than Mayor Reed. The President Without a Party: The Trials of Jimmy Carter The Atlantic adds Atlanta team to its coverage. Could Gwinnett finally have mass transit? West
HAPPY BIRTHDAY USA!!!!! What was your Peachtree Road Race time? How about the United States Marine Band playing (I think) every John Philip Sousa march? Average number of fingers lost by readers in pyrotechnic-related incidents today?
Why Atlanta, you may ask? Because I met King Willem-Alexander back when he was merely a prince and he was so thoroughly impressed with my hometown. That’s it… Anyway, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte made the announcement during his official visit with President Trump yesterday. The Consulate General will strengthen ties between the Netherlands and