Author: Edatlanta

Morning Reads with a Timely and Urgent Reminder

Hey Taco BellThe Illuminati is not a frivolous subject — Charlie Daniels (@CharlieDaniels) January 9, 2018 “Long Haired Country Boy” by Charlie Daniels  How Georgia Gillmore fed and funded the Civil Rights Movement. GSU legend (and every basketball fan’s favorite) RJ Hunter signed with the Rockets.  Jimmy Carter’s right hand is art….apparently.  Maybe Fulton County

Washington Post Columnist: Lying Sen. Perdue Should Resign

I mean….I’m not sure what you’d expect when a clown gets in bed with a buffoon… Jennifer Rubin writes: There is no honor among anti-immigrant advocates and liars, I suppose. After dutifully lying on behalf of the president regarding his abhorrent language (“****hole countries”), Sens. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.) were outed by

AJC: Trump Georgia Disapproval at 58.7%

Today’s poll from The AJC is, candidly, a bit hard to believe.  If the data is to be believed 58.7% of Georgians disapprove of President Trump and only 36.7% approve. Could there be essentially a 13-point swing since the all-important November 8, 2016 approval poll? Possibly. The numbers almost mirror national results. President Trump does create

Non-Atlanta Fultonians: TONIGHT You Can Lead the MARTA Expansion Discussion

Should we or shouldn’t we? If you have an opinion on MARTA extending it’s reach to the nether regions of Fulton County and reside in the county but not Atlanta , tonight marks the first night you can give elected officials your thoughts. Four meetings are scheduled throughout Fulton (dates and locations below) as part

Morning Reads for Jan. 10

Can the Legislature go away and can college football come back already? “Requiem for John Hurt” by John Fahey.  Expert: Jimmy C should lead U.S. nukes negotiation with North Korea.  Also, if Trump’s as good at negotiating as he says, why isn’t he hammering out international deals? Makes you think…. Georgia Trend once again left

Still No Adjournment Resolution in the Senate–and Possible Ramifications

We know the Senate will work through Thursday and that’s when they hope to pass an adjournment resolution. The House has their protocol in order with the first 10 days scheduled. If the Senate doesn’t pass a resolution on Thursday each calendar day counts toward the 40 (but I could be wrong on that). Things

Abrams Proposes Earned Income Tax Credit for Georgia

Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Stacey Abrams says she wants an Earned Income Tax Credit in Georgia. Unveiling her sweeping “Economic Mobility Plan” on Thursday (PDF), Abrams said Georgia’s version would start with a refundable credit at 5% of the federal EITC. Eventually the state EITC would move to a 10% credit. The cost of the Georgia

Morning Reads for the New Year

I’m here to let you know: I’m back to run the show. “Return of the Mack” by Mark Morrison.  Johns Lewis and Barrow both give shout-outs to the new Milledgeville mayor.  Tom Crawford previews the political year ahead.  Apparently people really want to be mayor of Columbus. The new Westside Park looks like it will be