’s favorite First Republican Governor of Georgia Since Reconstruction is in D.C. this morning starting the process to become America’s Secretary of Agriculture. C-SPAN is livestreaming all the glory that is Sonny Perdue’s testimony and you can watch the feed here. Let us know what sticks out to you in the comments below. Perdue seems
I’m so glad I’m livin’ in the U.S.A. Anything you want, we got right here in the U.S.A. “Back in the USA” by Chuck Berry. Hall County teachers trying to re-create Breaking Bad but with cocaine, heroin. Why isn’t Atlanta the Nashville of hip-hop? Because Atlanta is the Atlanta of hip-hop. Memorial Drive’s Greenway final
Former Governor Sonny Perude is expected to sail through his nomination hearings which begin Thursday. Perdue was nominated as Agriculture Secretary by President Trump but Perdue’s nomination was held up due to paperwork issues. It’s still unclear what caused said hold up but regardless, Perdue can book his plane tickets to DCA now. When the
Don’t forget to sign up. “At Peace With Woman” by The Jones Girls. Can it be a bloodbath if 6th CD Dems all bring letter openers to a knife fight? Sonny Perdue’s special brand of patronage is headed to DC! Washington Post is stunned to learn Southerners don’t like the KKK anymore. GSP rescues puppies–cute photos
The Atlanta Fed has a new leader. On Monday, Raphael Bostic was named as the new president and CEO of the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank. An economist by training, Bostic was an assistant secretary at HUD before serving as a professor at USC. Bostic is also the first African-American to serve as president of a regional
Sign Tom Price up as an adherent of alternative facts (heretofore known as lies). The HHS Secretary took to NBC’s “Today” show this morning to defend the House GOP’s plan to repeal Obamacare. When pressed on the fact that the CBO said eventually 24 million Americans could lose their healthcare coverage with the Republican legislation, Price
Step right up and try your luck for our two post-season basketball challenges! First, we will make single-game predictions for the Postseason Tournament starting with Georgia State’s first game and… well, only dealing with GSU’s championship run. The secondary act is the NCAA Tournament. GAPol’s bracket group is here. The password is “TrumpisGod” and
From Allen Peake’s Twitter feed, we learned that Sen. Johnny Isakson says marijuana “ought to be rescheduled.” ‘Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) – Marijuana Ought to Be Rescheduled (FULL)’ on #SoundCloud #np #gapol #medicalmarijuana — Allen Peake (@AllenPeake) March 11, 2017 Currently, marijuana is a Schedule 1 drug, meaning the DEA believes pot is more dangerous
What do you get the birthday boy who already has a multi-million dollar grossing biopic to his name and had one of Atlanta’s leading laureates pen a song for this very day? You get him this post, of course! Happy 35th birthday to Mike Hassinger!
Speaking to WABE on Wednesday, Georgia Congressman David Scott lambasted “The World’s Greatest Healthcare Plan of 2017” (yes, that’s it actual name), saying a bi-partisan committee needs to formed to create a new bill. “We got smoke and mirrors here”, Scott said adding that Obamacare is not perfect either. “This bill has to be removed