VPEOTUS Mike Pence had his feelings hurt by Atlanta Congressman John Lewis. Lewis, who has, uh, caused a bit of a stir the past few days, confirmed he will be skipping PEOTUS Trump’s inauguration. Lewis said he considers Trump an “illegitimate” due to concerns of Russian meddling in the election. Pence told Fox News today:
Jessica felt it wise to engage in an intellectual tussle of Brobdingnagian proportions and she got it, taking great umbrage to my post calling for a legislative pay raise. I will respond next week. Georgia legislators don’t need more money. They’re only struggling because of the way they’ve morphed the position of a legislator. The
Stop me if you’ve heard this one: Georgia Democrats are convinced next election cycle is the one. Really. The latest version of this line comes from Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball making its first survey of the 2018 gubernatorial races around the U.S. Georgia is lumped in with several GOP-controlled states with the following insight into how
John Lewis testified against Sen. Jeff Sessions’ nomination as Attorney General on Wednesday. Much of what Cong. Lewis said is in line with his previous messages but Lewis highlighted Sessions’ work prosecuting civil rights “icons” and celebration of the Voting Rights Act losing much of its teeth. The spirit and tone of Lewis’ testimony called to
I can’t believe it took me until today to figure out the source of that stench from Downtown Atlanta. (I am making a joke at the Legislature’s expense–feel free to laugh in the comments). “I Need a Roof” by Sugar Minott. How will the area surrounding GSU Stadium look in the future? The Eggs &
As we start a new year of necessary lawmaking, the upstanding members of our esteemed legislature had the plight of their pittance for legislative work highlighted on NPR. The fact is: our legislators have a right to gripe and the citizens should advocate for their raise. While there’s a de facto expectation that our legislature
Be honest: how many of you have gone into work today/yesterday saying “only XX more decades until retirement”? “You’re No Good” by Ken Boothe. Atlanta’s warmest year “certainly consistent with climate change.” John Lewis: I will protest you for protesting against my protest. Is it time for a Michael Vick forgiveness? The ACC was the
Republicans announced the Senate committee assignments on Tuesday and David Perdue was a winner. He picked up a seat on the Armed Service and Banking committees–both quite powerful committees. Perdue dropped his Aging, Foreign Relations and Judiciary committee assignments for his new posts. He will continue to serve as a member of the Agriculture and Banking
The best gift being my Morning Reads of course. “What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve” by Lou Rawls. Congressional Republicans tackling the major issues of the day propose John-Lewis-inspired rule change. 2016 was good to someone–namely the Georgia ports. Isakson thinks congress needs to use existing mechanisms to investigate election claims first. But at
I haven’t heard enough good Christmas music. Basically anything not released in the last 20 years. (Seriously, there hasn’t been a single good update of a classic). “Mistletoe and Holly” by Old Blue Eyes. ICYMI: Georgia’s Electoral College electors voted for Trump. Georgia leads the nation in executions! Whooo-diggity! Larry Colburn, Helped Stop My Lai