Author: Jon Richards

Will 2016 Be the Last Hurrah for the Southern Strategy?

In this year’s presidential politics, all eyes are on Georgia. This, of course, is because recent polling indicates the Peach State might be ready to elect its first Democrat since Bill Clinton in 1992. For many, the reason appears obvious. Georgia’s growing minority population, which the conventional wisdom states will vote Democratic, is growing, and

Trump Campaign Adds Georgia Staff

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is not only adding key staffers at the national level, it is beefing up its presence in Georgia. Brandon Phillips, Trump’s Georgia State Director, announced that Jennifer Hazelton will serve as Communications Director in Georgia, while Billy Kirkland will serve as the Senior Adviser for the Georgia Trump Pence campaign. Phillips

Sen. Perdue Maintains His Support of Donald Trump, and Says Georgia Remains a Red State

Senator David Perdue is holding fast to his endorsement of Donald Trump for President in the November elections, despite calls by some to rescind his support. In a wide-ranging interview with the media Tuesday morning, Perdue said that the New York businessman is connecting with the voters who are tired of the way things are

Trump’s Agricultural Advisory Committee Includes Prominent Georgians

Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump announced the formation of his agricultural advisory committee today. Three Georgians are members of the committee, including Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black, former Governor Sonny Perdue, and State Senate Chairman of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs John Wilkinson. In a statement, Trump said, The members of my agricultural advisory committee

House Transit Study Committee Begins Study of Funding and Governance

The House Study Committee on Regional Transit Solutions held its first full meeting this morning, hearing from five speakers that set the table for future discussions on the issues of transit governance and transit funding. Georgia DOT Commissioner Russell McMurry told the committee that there was no one size solution available to address all of