Author: Jon Richards

Lt. Gov. Cagle Makes Study Committee Appointments

Lt. Governor Casey Cagle today announced additional appointments to Senate study committees and state commissions. These committees will meet over the remainder of the summer and fall, and present their findings to the General Assembly in 2017. “These bodies seek to gain a better understanding of the unique challenges facing our state,” said Lt. Gov.

Five Thirty Eight Model: Trump Wins Georgia, But Clinton Wins Nationally in a Landslide

Nate Silver, who runs the popular polling / prediction site, developed a forecasting model that correctly picked the outcome of the 2012 presidential election. Now, he is out with the 2016 version, which is based on the one used in 2012, but has been improved, notably by splitting the model into three separate forecasts,

Herman Cain Endorses Drew Ferguson in HD 3

Former businessman, presidential candidate and conservative talk show host Herman Cain has endorsed Drew Ferguson for the open 3rd District congressional seat being vacated by Lynn Westmoreland. In a press release issued by Ferguson, Cain said, In politics, there are candidates with a record of doing things and others with a history of talking about

Could This Man Be Georgia’s Next Governor?

Is Georgia 6th District Republican Congressman Tom Price about to make a run for Governor in 2018? There’s evidence that points in that direction. The congressman from Roswell appears to be greasing the skids under the Gold Dome. Price’s pre-Primary campaign filing with the Federal Election Commission (excerpt) shows he gave $2,600 campaign contributions to

House Committee Releases Majority #BenghaziReport, and Georgia Lawmakers Respond

The House Select Committee on Benghazi headed up by Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina released its final majority report today, after more than two years of research and hearings. In addition to the 800 page report, the committee summarized its findings in this video narrated by Rep. Peter Roskam of Illinois: Georgia’s 3rd District

Pro Gun Control Group Has Long Term Goals for Georgia

During the debate over House Bill 859, the measure that would have allowed concealed carry permit holders to bring their guns to most places on University System of Georgia campuses, one group was a constant presence at hearings. Representatives of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America not only were present at the hearings,

Happy Birthday, Charlie

It’s that time of year again. Time to wish a happy birthday to our publisher, Charlie Harper, sometimes known as Icarus Pundit. Over the last year, Charlie started this blog, and got our contributors moved from the old place to here. He finds things that should be posted here, and gently nudges us to get

Props to Sam Olens

Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens was elected Vice President of the National Association of Attorneys General at the organization’s meeting yesterday in Burlington, Vermont. In addition to serving as Vice President, Olens will be co-chair of the Federalism/Preemption Committee and the Law Enforcement and Prosecutorial Relations Working Group. He will serve on three additional committees,