Author: Jon Richards

Charter System Foundation Announces Awards for Outstanding School Districts

The Charter System Foundation, which promotes and supports Georgia’s 40 charter school systems, announced the winners of its 2016 awards program on Wednesday. Marietta City Schools was named the Georgia Charter System Innovator of the year, while Calhoun City Schools was named the Georgia Charter System of the Year. The awards were presented at a

Supreme Court Upholds Major Separation of Powers Case

Approaching the end of its 2016 term, the Supreme Court today effectively upheld a lower court’s decision that President Obama violated the separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches of the federal government by issuing executive actions that would have allowed around four million illegal immigrants to remain in America for a period

Georgia GOP Politicos Downplay Polls Showing Minimal Minority Support for Donald Trump

Today, the Washington Post goes into some depth over recent polling that shows presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump isn’t gaining traction among voters of color. The paper’s polling shows 88% of African-Americans have an unfavorable view of Trump, and 87% of Hispanics view the candidate unfavorably. Trump is also under water with whites, although

Cagle Announces Appointments to Study Committees

Over the last few weeks, we’ve gotten the names of those appointed to various House study committees. Now, it’s the Senate’s turn. Friday afternoon, Lt. Governor Casey Cagle announced the composition of eight Senate and Joint study committees, created pursuant to various resolutions passed during the 2016 legislative session. In a statement, Cagle said, “With

Senators Isakson and Perdue Introduce Amendments to Preserve Georgia’s Water Rights

A battle over Georgia’s water rights that became an issue before the vote in last yea’s Omnibus funding bill has resumed, due to similar legislative language being inserted by an Alabama senator into the Commerce-Justice-Science appropriations legislation now under consideration in the Senate. The offending language requires the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to produce