Author: Jon Richards

Morning Reads — May 16th

Our Morning Reads don’t normally feature dogs, but this story about Daisy, the new mascot for the Savannah Bananas, is worth retelling. The AJC released the results of a big poll this weekend. Trump leads Hillary (barely), Johnny Isakson is likely to keep his Senate seat, and voters are evenly split on Governor Deal’s veto

How Secret Was the Ralston Conservative Leadership Fund?

On Thursday, The AJC’s Watchdog reporter, Chris Joyner, published a story exposing some details about a political action committee affiliated with Georgia House Speaker David Ralston named the “Ralston Conservative Leadership Fund.” The fund is described as “secretive” in the story, which kind of surprised me, since I knew such a fund existed, even if

Georgia Republicans Applaud Health Care Ruling

On Thursday, a U.S. District Court judge ruled that the Obama administration exceeded its authority by subsidizing health insurers who participate in the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. Former Speaker John Boehner and House Republicans filed the lawsuit claiming that the reimbursements were unconstitutional because the money for the reimbursements had not been

David Ralston Asks Senators to Look Into Transgender Bathroom Policies Mandated by the Federal Government

The Fannin County Board of Education will meet tonight, and officials expect to hear from residents about a potential policy dealing with the use of bathrooms by transgender students. According to a story in FetchYourNews, the issue over bathroom use is the result of a decision by a federal appeals court in Virginia that Title

Emory University Committee Says Pro Trump Chalkings Are Permissible Free Speech.

If you are sensitive to microagressions, now is the time to get in your safe space. The Emory University Senate Standing Committee for Open Expression issued a 12 page report covering the incidents of students writing their support for Donald Trump in chalk around campus. The committee decided to investigate the chalkings, along with similar

Panel Discussion Participants Predict the Future of Transportation in the Atlanta Area

An Atlanta Press Club panel discussion on metro Atlanta’s transportation future covered some familiar ground, and concluded that connectivity was more important than specific transportation modes or transit operators in encouraging more people to use public transportation. Participants in the panel discussion included Heather Alhadeff, president of Center Forward, inc.; Becky Katz, Chief Bicycle Officer

McKoon: Local Non-Discrimination Laws Shouldn’t Be Invalidated By a State RFRA

Republican State Senator Josh McKoon of Columbus says that local ordinances protecting the rights of gays and lesbians, like the one passed in the city of Atlanta, should be able to withstand a challenge under a proposed Georgia Religious Freedom Restoration Act. In a discussion on social media that was later confirmed with the senator,

Morning Reads — May 9th

Happy Monday, everyone. Because of his unfortunate remarks to Greg Bluestein of the AJC, our regular Monday Morning Reads contributor Will Kremer has been sent to re-education camp for a few weeks. Sad! As a result, I’m doing the Monday Reads until he learns his lesson. Needing a win to stay alive, the Hawks end their