Author: Jon Richards

9th District Congressional Candidates Debate Budgeting and Social Issues

In a two hour debate on April 9th, the five candidates for the 9th District Congressional seat debated a wide variety of topics. In previous posts, we covered taxes and national security. This post includes debate on budgeting and the appropriations process, funding Planned Parenthood, and what to do about the district’s water needs. Participants

9th District Candidates Debate National Security Issues

This is one of a series of posts recapping the Hall County GOP debate between the candidates for the 9th congressional district seat held by Rep. Doug Collins. Collins faces primary challenges from former 10th district congressman Paul Broun, retired educator Roger Fitzpatrick, retired National Guard General Bernie Fontaine, and Lanier Tea Party Patriots founder

9th District Candidates Discuss Taxation at Saturday’s Debate

Over the weekend, the Hall County GOP held a debate between the candidates for the 9th congressional district seat held by Rep. Doug Collins. Collins faces primary challenges from former 10th district congressman Paul Broun, retired educator Roger Fitzpatrick, retired National Guard General Bernie Fontaine, and Lanier Tea Party Patriots founder Mike Scupin. Debate topics

Broun and Collins Go After Each Other in 9th District Debate

The Hall County Republican Party hosted a debate between the five candidates for the 9th District Congressional nomination on Saturday. Candidates Paul Broun, Roger Fitzpatrick, Bernie Fontaine and Mike Scupin took on incumbent Doug Collins in the two hour debate, which covered topics as diverse as foreign policy and national security, taxes, the federal budget,