Author: Jon Richards

How Donald Trump’s Appropriation of David Perdue’s Strategy Could Stop Ted Cruz and Split the GOP

When I interviewed Ted Cruz at the Republican state convention last May, he spoke abolut building a broad based coalition of conservatives in the Reagan mold that would ultimately lead to his being nominated to the presidency. Over the summer and fall, Cruz talked about the various lanes within the Republican electorate that he could

Speaker Ralston Reacts to Governor Deal’s Statement on the Pastor Protection Act

During a break in the Crossover Day action, House Speaker David Ralston was asked about Governor Nathan Deals statement today that legislators should be able to come to a resolution on religious liberty that would preserve the rights of people of faith without discrimination. The Speaker responded, I’ve been trying to to do that for

Hope Scholarship Won’t Get Gambling Money, At Least This Year

Bills that would have provided additional funds for the Hope Scholarship via the legalization of casino gambling and parimutuel betting on horse racing are dead for the remainder of this session, and therefore would need to start from scratch in 2017. The Parimutuel betting measures, sponsored by Senator Brandon Beach of Alpharetta, failed to get

In Support of John Kasich

Editor’s Note: In anticipation of Georgia’s presidential primary on Tuesday, GeorgiaPol will publish a series of essays in support of some of the leading presidential candidates. This essay is from Kasich supporter Stephen Plunk. You don’t have to look very hard to see how polarized political culture has become. Spend any time on social media

In Support of Donald Trump

Editor’s Note: In anticipation of Georgia’s presidential primary on Tuesday, GeorgiaPol will publish a series of essays in support of some of the leading presidential candidates. This essay is from Trump supporter Bart Brannon. This presidential campaign began early as they seem to do these days with a crowded field of 17 hopefuls attempting to

In Support of Marco Rubio

Editor’s Note: In anticipation of Georgia’s presidential primary on Tuesday, GeorgiaPol will publish a series of essays in support of some of the leading presidential candidates. This essay is from Rubio supporter Buzz Brockway. I grew up reading National Review magazine and its founder William F, Buckley, Jr. He, along with my father, helped instill