Author: Jon Richards

Senator McKoon on Civility

State Senator Josh McKoon of Columbus took to the well on Monday to address the comments made by Rep. Tommie Benton about Senator Vincent Fort’s sponsorship of a bill that would have stopped the state from celebrating Confederate holidays. In a statement to the AJC, Benton compared Fort’s bill to ISIS, and praised the work

Marco Rubio Is Favored By Georgia College GOP Leaders, While Donald Trump Leads in Iowa

Back last August, we told you about the results of a straw poll among the leaders of the Georgia Association of College Republicans. Marco Rubio got the most votes, followed by Jeb Bush and Scott Walker, With Rand Paul, Chris Christie. and Carly Fiorina, and George Pataki bringing up the rear. The College Republicans leadership

Promoting Senate Transparency

Up for a first reading in the Senate this morning was Senate Resolution 842, sponsored by Majority Caucus Chair William Ligon of Brunswick, President Pro Tem David Shafer of Duluth, Majority Leader Bill Cowsert of Athens and others. The purpose of the resolution is to create a Senate Study Committee on the Legislative Process. A

New Version of RFRA Proposed in the House

In the House hopper and awaiting its first reading is HB 837, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, sponsored by Ed Setzler of Acworth, Barry Fleming of Harlem, Sam Teasley of Marietta, and Matt Ramsey of Peachtree City. You may notice that there are no references in the bill to the least restrictive method of enforcing

#PeachBreach Lawsuit Dismissed

The class action lawsuit filed against the Secretary of State’s office has been dismissed because the plaintiffs in the case say their goal of having the office disclose the distribution of personal information on Georgia’s over six million registered voters. Kristina Torres of the AJC quotes the plaintiff’s attorney as saying, From our perspective, the