Author: Jon Richards

GOP Chair John Padgett: Donald Trump Can Be a Good Candidate

Georgia Republican Party Chairman John Padgett weighed in on Donald Trump, who is the current leader in polls of Georgia Republican primary voters, saying that the billionaire real estate developer isn’t a typical politician who can relate to average Americans because he doesn’t use political speak. Padgett made his remarks on WGAU Radio‘s Newsmakers with

Morning Reads for Monday January 25th

We hope you survived what’s becoming known as #Snowzilla or #snowmaggedon2016. In Washington, they got one of the worst storms ever, and Speaker Paul Ryan let the country watch it with a live video from the Speaker’s balcony. God help anyone who didn’t get enough bread and milk to make it through. The reads continue

Judson Hill Proposes Income Tax Changes

Senate Finance Chairman Judson Hill has dropped two measures affecting taxation. One, SB 280, would modify tax rates and exemptions for personal income taxes and eliminate the corporate net worth tax, and the other, SR 756, is a proposed constitutional amendment that, if approved, would automatically lower personal tax rates by up to five percent

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Challenge to Obama’s Immigration Plan

The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday said it would hear a challenge to President Obama’s plan to shield certain illegal immigrants from deportation. The challenge was filed by the state of Texas, and joined by 25 additional states including Georgia. The president’s proposed executive action, which was announced in November 2014, would allow undsocumented parents