Author: Jon Richards

Presidential Election Results Lead to Anti-Trump Demonstrations

Protesters in Georgia and around the country reacted negatively to Tuesday’s election of Republican Donald Trump, staging mostly peaceful demonstrations in Georgia and around the country. Students at Emory University staged a “march through campus in SILENCE and solidarity for the healing of hate in our country,” according to a Facebook post by the Young

Senator Perdue Unlikely to Have a Role in the Trump Administration

Earlier this morning, Charlie wrote a post speculating on how Georgians might play a part in a new Trump administration. One of the people he mentioned was Senator David Perdue, who was one of President-elect Trump’s earliest supporters and who met with Trump to plot how the businessman could appropriate Perdue’s outsider strategy in his

Georgia Congressmen Applaud Donald Trump Winning the Presidency

We are starting to get reactions from Georgia’s representatives in the U.S. House and Senat over President Elect Donald Trump’s upset win Tuesday night over Hillary Clinton. Senator Johnny Isakson: I congratulate Donald Trump and Mike Pence on winning a hard-fought campaign. The genius of America is that the real power always rests with the

Election Night Open Thread

It’s 7 o’clock, and as of now, the polls are closed in Georgia, although some will remain open for a while, until the last voter in line has cast a ballot. Now, it’s just a matter of time until the results start coming in, both here in Georgia and nationwide. Most pundits were predicting a

With Endorsements from the Morris Communications Newspapers, Donald Trump’s Endorsements Double

You’ve probably heard about the fact that many conservative-leaning newspapers have endorsed Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump in the 2016 election. Papers including the Arizona Republic, Cincinnati Enquirer, Dallas Morning News, and the San Diego Union Tribune made rare endorsements of the Democratic candidate, some for the first time ever. Our friend Loren Collins, who

What Will Happen in Gwinnett?

Gwinnett County has often been cited as the next big county to turn Democratic. Many have said that the Peach State won’t turn blue until Gwinnett does. Its population as a whole became majority minority several years back, and this year, for the first time, whites make up a minority of registered voters, although not