Author: Jon Richards

How Donald Trump’s Candidacy Is Affecting Politics in the South

As we approach the end of the 2016 election cycle, what had appeared to point to a blowout election for Democrat Hillary Clinton has tightened considerably, with late state-by-state polls showing Republican Donald Trump narrowing her lead. Because of Electoral College math, Clinton is still favored, but some states she had hoped to turn appear

A Candidate Steps Into the Race for Georgia House Majority Caucus Vice-Chair

Many are focused on the election that’s less than a week away, but once that is done, it’s time for more elections, specifically for party leadership under the Gold Done. The House Republican Caucus will meet on November 14th to decide its leadership, including Majority Leader, Majority Whip, and the majority caucus chair, vice chair,

How the Appointment of a New Judge Could Affect the Debate Over Medicaid Expansion

You may remember back in May 2015 when the Department of Community Health began to study a plan developed by Grady Hospital that would be able to provide health care to more of the poor without expanding Medicaid. This Medicaid waiver program would have used Medicaid dollars to set up locations that would provide care

Transportation Ranked as the Biggest Issue for Metro Atlanta Residents

The Atlanta Regional Commission is out with its annual look at the issues that are most important to the region. Metro Atlanta Speaks is a scientific poll measuring area residents opinions on education, transportation, livability, and more. It’s perhaps not surprising that transportation was thought of as being the biggest issue facing the metro area,

Voter Fraud … Or Not

There have been lots of worries that this year’s presidential election might be rigged. Donald Trump has raised the specter of voter fraud. One prime suspect: Electronic voting machines that have somehow become programmed to switch a voter’s selection from one candidate to another. But is the threat real? The AJC is reporting that in