Author: Jon Richards

School Boards Could See Greater State Scrutiny Following Action on Teacher Raises and Vote on Opportunity School District

Most Gold Dome observers predicted that much of the 2017 legislative session would focus around education. Two years ago, Governor Deal created his Education Reform Commission to examine K-12 education, and make recommendations on how to improve it. Originally scheduled to make its recommendations during the 2016 legislative session, the governor agreed to a delay

Priorities USA SuperPAC Will Spend $2 Million on Ads Supporting Hillary Clinton

Democratic SuperPAC Priorities USA will be spending $2 million on advertising in the Peach State on behalf of Hillary Clinton in the runup to the November election. According to a story by Mother Jones, the group chose a commercial called “Our Daughter Grace,” which includes video of Donald Trump mocking the disability of a New

Georgia Politicos React to Trump’s Refusal to Say if He Will Accept Election Results

The big headline from Wednesday’s presidential debate was Republican candidate Donald Trump’s unwillingness to say whether he would accept the results of the November 8th election. After being asked a direct question by moderator Chris Wallace, Trump answered, “I’ll keep you in suspense.” As could be expected, Trump’s response drew strong reactions from Georgia officials

Sen. Perdue Endorses Donald Trump ‘s Proposal for Term Limits

Within days of taking office in 2015, Senator David Perdue fulfilled a campaign promise, and co-sponsored a bill limiting the number of terms a congressman could serve in Washington. It fit his image as a political outsider. On Tuesday, another political outsider, Donald Trump, also called for term limits. Donald Trump’s Washington is shaping up

School Choice Isn’t the Answer for Fixing Georgia’s Problem Schools

Georgia voters will have the opportunity to vote on Amendment 1 when they go to the polls this November. Amendment 1 authorizes the creation of the Opportunity School District, which would have the ability to revitalize the worst academically performing of the Peach State’s elementary and secondary schools. There is considerable opposition to the OSD,

On Rigged Elections and Voter Fraud, Randy Evans Adds Fuel to the Fire

In the closing weeks of the 2016 presidential elections, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been suggesting that the elections process is rigged, and that voter fraud was likely. On Monday, he tweeted, “Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day. Why do Republican leaders deny what is going