Peaches Georgia still on lower end for health rankings Senator Michael Williams turns himself in to Hall Co. law enforcement WWII museum opens on Georgia coast Opinion: Georgia denies migrants equal access to higher education Georgia high schoolers now have cyber certification opportunity After 16 years, Georgia’s former state school chief returns to the classroom Miss
Peaches “Bless his heart.” — Our own Teri Overdose deaths on the decline in most of Georgia Gasaway definitely lost Democrat throws support behind Unterman Rapper TI to pay fine for cursing in public in Georgia Jimmy Carter GOP Republican at 93% approval for Trump Why Facebook explains how Netflix, Spotify, and others used the
Peaches Another business headed to the Peach State Healthcare costs are higher in Georgia More on the Gasaway election Using an ancestry site solved a murder case in Georgia 2 universities get poor scores for campus speech Stacey Abrams’ next move draws a ‘stay tuned’ Jimmy Carter Beto O’Rourke’s Presidential Campaign Is Going To Wear
Tribalism is killing us. We, as voters, are constantly told two very different narratives: 1) that the political divide in the two-party system is at an all-time high and there’s no going back, and 2) the people who don’t subscribe to the two-party system and fall “in the middle” is ever growing. Reasonable people can
Good Thursday Morning! Here’s what’s happening around our state and nation: Peaches Georgia tax breaks could have paid for more than 1,100 teachers Athens takes the lead and bans scooters Georgia Charges Iranians In Ransomware Attack On Atlanta 3 votes separate 2 candidates who already did a re-do Medicare penalties knocking Georgia nursing homes Obamacare
Y’all. We are so close. 5 more sleeps until this election season is over. But for now – morning reads: Peaches We have these in Statesboro and they are nothing short of a nightmare The role of an interpreter in the ballot box 2 former Georgia hospital CEOs fighting kickback claims Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wrong about spending
A group formed by former Democratic candidate for Governor Stacey Abrams is set to hold a press conference Tuesday to discuss the filing a federal lawsuit. Fair Fight, according to a press release, is “an operation that will pursue accountability in Georgia’s elections and integrity in the process of maintaining our voting rolls.” The CEO
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! This is my 6th Thanksigivng doing morning reads and I couldn’t be more thankful…for more of you. Peaches Bordeaux concedes, Woodall wins by 433 Georgia Set To Remain A Battleground For Voting Rights Ahead Of 2020 Lawmakers tackle transit problems in rural Georgia Woman sues Georgia county alleging drug test falsely labeled cotton
They told us the end is near. And it seems the end is actually near. Peaches But no end is forthcoming without some more controversy Senator Williams said she was arrested at the Capitol because of her skin color Inside the Amazong HQ bid And a feature in New York Magazine Teasley House race gets
The Georgia Republican Party has filed an ethics complaint against the Stacey Abrams for Governor campaign alleging unlawful spending. The 21-page complaint filed Wednesday, the Georgia GOP claims “the campaign broke campaign finance laws by approving a $250,000 TV advertisement for an imaginary gubernatorial run-off. Stacey Abrams’ campaign is also illegally using funds to digitally