Author: Jessica Szilagyi

Democrats Already Attacking Cagle Over Secret Recording on Politics Over Policy

Though the Republican nominee for Governor of Georgia has yet to be decided, the Georgia Democrat Party is already attacking Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle over a secret recording released last week. The recording reveals Cagle admitting he used legislation to undermine primary opponent Hunter Hill, who came in third place. Cagle can be heard saying

Sponsor of GA Hands-Free Legislation Says Music Streaming IS Allowed, No Grace Period

After a series of viral social media posts indicating that Georgia’s new hands-free law would ban the use of music streaming services, like Pandora and Spotify, angered drivers around the state, the bill’s sponsor says the apps are allowed under certain conditions. State Representative John Carson, who spearheaded the legislation, also said there will be

Sen. Renee Unterman blasts lawmaker’s choice for Gov. because he opposed her bill 3 years ago

Legislative records – they’re what political careers are made of. And if you’re Senator Renee Unterman (R – Gwinnett), you use legislative records to hold grudges, block bills of limited government, and dole out ‘payback.’ Unterman took to Twitter Wednesday to criticize State Representative David Clark for leading the ‘Veterans for Kemp’ coalition for Brian

Morning Reads – Thursday, June 7, 2018

On this date in 1965, in the U.S. the Gemini 4 mission was completed. The mission featured the first spacewalk by an American. Peaches Kemp moves to review voting machines Georgia making national headlines for a good reason… …and of course for the bad reasons Georgia Tourism announces “100 Places Locals Love” List Thanks, lawmakers, for attacking

Morning Reads – Thursday, May 31, 2018

On this date in 1913, the 17th Amendment went into effect. It provided for popular election of US senators. Peaches Childhood is threatened more in Georgia than in 41 other states The Hill: Abrams will revolutionize politics  Optimistic Georgia Democrats expect party resurrection  Seth Weathers makes headlines after inflammatory tweet Positivity for Amazon coming to

The Art of Negative Campaigning.

Negative campaigning. It’s an art – one we all hate, love to hate, but probably most importantly – hate to love. Every time campaign season comes around, regardless of which level of government, we all cringe and say “it’s never been this bad,” but a few candidates and/or elected officials get smeared, the rest of

Morning Reads – Thursday, May 17, 2018

On this date in 1954, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled for school integration in Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka. The ruling declared that racially segregated schools were inherently unequal. Peaches Second place spot still up for grabs 2 weeks post-crash and military plan wreckage is finally cleared Williams makes Fortune All Georgia cities at