Author: Jessica Szilagyi

Morning Reads – Thursday, May 10, 2018

On this date in 1994, Nelson Mandela was sworn in as South Africa’s first black president. Peaches Georgia Power playing hardball in PSC race More armed teachers on the way? Are Georgia casinos worth the gamble for education? At least Georgia has this going for them Poorest in town Georgia The training effect of officer-involved shootings in

My Take on the Lieutenant Governor’s Race.

The Lieutenant Governor is the second-highest ranking position in the state and will be charged with the day-to-day operations of the Senate. The race has actually garnered more media attention than the Governor’s race over the last several months due to heavyweight endorsements and negative campaigning, The nice thing about all three candidates is that

GeorgiaCarry Opposes Hunter Hill for Governor

Georgia’s most respected pro-Second Amendment organization has come out strong against a candidate in the Republican Primary. is getting involved in the Governor’s race. It’s the first time the organization has ever come out in opposition of a Republican Senator, according to their announcement. announced their opposition to Republican Hunter Hill on Tuesday.

Morning Reads – Thursday, May 3, 2018

On this date in 1948, the Supreme Court ruled that covenants prohibiting the sale of real estate to blacks and other minorities were legally unenforceable. Peaches Georgia man pleads guilty to threatening 2 US Senators  Georgia judicial campaign turns partisan Record high for children in foster care in Georgia GPS systems are threatening a Georgia

Morning Reads – Thursday, April 26, 2018

Peaches Whistleblower sparks investigation into Georgia film tax credits  Deal partners with local law enforcement for new phone app Cityhood of Eagles Landing could hurt Georgia’s bond rating  Georgia school district to allow teachers to carry guns What Georgia’s opportunity zones could do for small business Congratulations, Georgia New York Post coverage on white supremecist

Kemp Announces Diverse ‘Voting System Review’ Commission

Secretary of State Brian Kemp has announced his list of appointees for the newly created SAFE Commission on Georgia’s voting system. The acronym ‘SAFE’ stands for Secure, Accessible & Fair Elections. The Commission is charged with conducting ‘thorough discussions on all options – including the feasibility of using all hand-marked paper ballots to all electronic machines with

Morning Reads – Thursday, April 5, 2018

Note: Reads didn’t post due to a technical issue this morning. Apologies for them being late. -CBH On this date in 1792, President George Washington cast the first presidential veto. The measure was for apportioning representatives among the states. Peaches  Georgia and Confederate History month. And a lesson in history Obamacare dips in Georgia Georgia’s new version