Author: Jessica Szilagyi

Georgia legislators can’t be YES on medical cannabis AND big pharma

Say what you want about financial contributions to politicians, most of them aren’t made out of the kindness and goodness of someone’s heart. Generally speaking, campaign donations are made for political clout and as a “favor for later,” especially from lobbyists. Donations are made by lobbying groups and corporations during the off season in amounts

Morning Reads – Thursday, September 8, 2016

On this date in 1892, an early version of “The Pledge of Allegiance” appeared in “The Youth’s Companion.” Colin Kaepernick would probably disapprove. Also on this date, President Ford granted an unconditional pardon to former President Nixon. Peaches Georgia Tech is trying to reduce the number of suicides on campus A monkey and drugs caught in

Morning Reads – Thursday, August 25, 2016

On this date in 1941, FDR  signed the bill appropriating funds for construction of the Pentagon Peaches GAGOP loves Pence. Or they’ll at least pretend like they do. Georgia students are testing better. Nikki Haley loves celebrating Georgia reciprocity. The battle rages on in Newton County. 3000 untested rape kits to be considered by GBI.

Green Party considers suing Georgia over ballot access

The Georgia Secretary of State’s office announced earlier this week that Green Party candidate Jill Stein did not have enough signatures to appear on Georgia’s presidential ballot in November. Now, the Green Party says they will consider litigation. The potential lawsuit stems from a March 2016 decision by a federal district judge that ruled Georgia ballot