Author: Jessica Szilagyi

Senator Perdue misses mark on justice reform…again

Following the recent announcement of reduced prison sentences for 214 convicted felons by President Barack Obama, junior Senator David Perdue issued a statement condemning the action. All of the inmates affected by the clemency are serving time in federal correctional facilities and a large majority of the inmates are incarcerated for nonviolent drug offenses that

Campaign to restore chicken rights advances in another county

Poultry on private property is one of the more contentious debates that almost always leaves neighbors with great divides throughout their communities as they play tug-a-war over property rights (which should always be the winner) and Homeowners Association covenants. The ordinances usually err on the side of “no chickens allowed,” but Thursday evening yielded a small victory

Perdue poised for Trump cabinet?

Is Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump considering Georgia’s junior Senator as part of his cabinet? Maybe. Because outsiders who are actually insiders band together, or something. The Hill reports that several Republican senators are among the short list for potential cabinet officers should Donald Trump be elected in November: One Republican senator said Sen. David

Morning Reads – Thursday, July 14, 2016

On this date in 1798, Congress passed the Sedition Act. The act made it a federal crime to write, publish, or utter false or malicious statements about the U.S. government. Peaches Coal ash problem in Jesup leaves citizens with little recourse. Republicans and Democrats are neck and neck in Georgia. Georgia loves killing people and we’ll

Morning Reads – Thursday, July 7, 2016

On this date in 1981, President Reagan announced he was nominating Sandra Day O’Connor to become the first female justice on the US Supreme Court. Peaches Criminal repercussions from SunTrust Park parking snafu? The tree police are taking over Columbus. Oil off Georgia’s coast? It could still happen. Meanwhile, BIG MONEY for Savannah Port infrastructure. Jimmy Carter What

Morning Reads – Thursday, June 23, 2016

On this date in 1836, Congress approved the Deposit Act, which contained a provision for turning over surplus federal revenue to the states. Peaches Chicken & Waffle raid in Georgia. Most of Georgia’s growth is concentrated in Atlanta – duh. Healthcare coverage taking a different direction in Georgia? The drones are coming. Want to retire rich?