Author: LaDawn LBJ Jones

Petty Warrants in ClayCo

Pass the popcorn for the 2020 Clayton County Sheriff’s election.  Sheriff Victor Hill and his potential opponent Robert Hawes are off to a hilariously funny start.  Hill used his power as Clayton County’s top cop to arrest the wife of his opponent for …. [insert drum roll] … EMAILS. Not Hilary Clinton email erasing but

Who is Georgia?

I find it very interesting that Georgia’s elected leaders are so up in arms about Jason Spencer displaying his bare behind on Showtime.  This sudden shock at his rhetoric on television is in complete contravention with the Georgia legislature’s tacit refusal to get rid of an antiquated Georgia law protecting the monuments to the traitorous

End of the Primary: What have we learned?

TODAY IS THE LAST DAY FOR EARLY VOTING.  THE ELECTION IS TUESDAY MAY 22ND. Primary season is almost over in Georgia. The distinctions between the Republican and Democrat focuses is plainly obvious from the television ads. Republicans are fighting to prove who is the most Trump like.  They have chosen undocumented individuals as the focus to

Georgia Has an Excessive Force Problem

I’ve included the videos connected to each incident I described.  If you have not watched any of them, I strongly suggest you watch them back to back – because this is our America.  We can’t turn the channel and avoid these issues any longer. Trump Said, “Don’t be too nice” when addressing law enforcement back

Kemp’s Commercial Could be Criminal

As a prosecutor, I prosecuted dozens of individuals, who pulled out a weapon and pointed it at someone with the intent to cause fear in that person.  Some of those people are likely still in jail.   As a defense attorney, I have defended individuals at trial who were accused of aggravated assault when they pulled