Author: Lawton Sack

Sen. Isakson Honored with John McCain Service to Country Award

Yesterday, Sen. Johnny Isakson received the inaugural “John S. McCain Service to Country” award for his national service. He was recognized for “his life-long devotion to citizen and public service and for his exceptional leadership in advancing national service to solve community problems.” Some highlights: Champion of both the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps: 2011 sponsorship

One Bill on Senate Floor on Friday, February 8

The Senate will consider tomorrow the Senate Committee on Transportation’s substitute for SR 19 that would create the Georgia Commission on Freight, Innovation, and Logistics. The commission would “study and assess the needs for and means of providing for a system of freight, innovation, and logistics investments projects and priorities both within and outside the

AJC: Rep. Woodall Not Seeking Re-Election

The AJC is reporting that Rep. Woodall (R, GA-7) will not be seeking re-election for a sixth term in 2020 due to political and personal issues, including the loss of his father. Larry Sabato had listed GA-7 as a toss-up race, and the 2018 race came down to less than 500 votes. The Democratic Party

Two Additional Statements from GA Delegation on State of the Union Address, Including a Democrat

Sandford Bishop (D, GA-2):  “The President spoke of bipartisanship, and I hope this sentiment is sincere. However, he must abandon his divisive rhetoric, and put action behind his words. In the next week, we must avoid another disastrous shutdown and keep the government open. I urge the President to support the efforts of the bipartisan, bicameral conference committee

GA Delegation Reacts to State of the Union

Sen. David Perdue (R): “Tonight, President Trump laid out a very powerful vision for our country that continues to build on the successes of the last two years. Many Americans are seeing increased paychecks, more opportunities, and brighter futures for their families. The economy is growing at twice the rate it did under President Obama,