Author: Lawton Sack

Election Eve Open Thread

Many of our contributors are tied up with elections today, so we are without our morning reads. Take this as an opportunity to discuss tomorrow’s elections, the Royal Wedding, or anything else politically oriented. Please keep it nice and civil, ya hear?

Three Former Congressmen Endorse Cagle

Former U.S. Reps. Jack Kingston, Lynn Westmoreland, and Phil Gingrey have publicly endorsed Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle’s campaign for Georgia Governor. They each shared their reasons for backing Cagle below. Jack Kingston: “During my years representing Georgia, I partnered with Casey Cagle. As an early supporter of President Trump, I can confidently say Casey Cagle’s

Positive Campaign Mailer

Jessica S. did a wonderful piece earlier today on the art (or lack thereof) of negative campaigning. It was due to constant negative campaigning by former Rep. Geoff Duncan that led me to vote for Sen. David Shafer for Lt. Governor. It just so happens that the USPS shows I have a campaign mailer waiting for

Sen. Bernie Sanders Endorses Stacey Abrams

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont), a self-proclaimed democratic socialist and New Deal-era American progressive, has officially endorsed Stacey Abrams for Governor of Georgia: “Stacey Abrams is the only candidate for governor of Georgia who has real solutions that will help the lives of working people in Georgia. She will make access to universal Pre-K a reality for

Georgia Southern’s President Hebert Leaving Position After Only Two Years

The University System of Georgia (USG) announced today that Georgia Southern University (GSU) President Jaime Hebert will resign his position on June 30, 2018 after serving as GSU President since July 1, 2016. Shelley Clark Nickel, USG executive vice chancellor for strategy and fiscal affairs and treasurer for the Board of Regents, will serve as Georgia

Cagle Goes After Decatur’s Sanctuary Policies

Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle is not happy with the actions of the Immigration Enforcement Review Board (IERB) after they adjourned a hearing of a complaint filed by Cagle without taking any action. Cagle is upset that Decatur has defended “its decision to order police officers not to arrest violent felons.” Cagle states the the city

Michael Williams Going on a Deportation Bus Tour

Sen. Michael Williams, Republican candidate for Governor, has announced the “Michael Williams Deportation Bus Tour.” The objective of the tour is “to shine a light on the dangers of sanctuary cities and the overwhelming problem of illegal immigration.” Williams hopes to “expose how dangerous illegal aliens ruin local economies, cost American jobs, increase healthcare costs,

Former Mayors & Local Leaders Release Statements on Evans’ Weak Record

Former Decatur Mayor Elizabeth Wilson, former Lithonia Mayor Marcia Glenn Hunter, and Georgia AFL-CIO  Secretary-Treasurer Yvonne Robinson issued statements of concern in regards to “Stacey Evans’ record on public education, higher education, and race.” Former Decatur Mayor Elizabeth Wilson: “Candidate for Governor Stacey Evans pretends to be a champion for people of color, but her

Cagle Says He Would Send Guard to Southern Border

Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle sent out a press release this morning stating that if/when he is elected Governor of Georgia that he will “contribute National Guard troops to the border as part of Operation Guardian Support.” Operation Guardian Support is a mission put in place by President Donald Trump to help secure the United States