Author: Lawton Sack

Dem. Responses to State of the Union

Rep. Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (GA-2): “The President talks of bipartisanship, and I am truly hopeful that this talk is genuine. However, actions speak louder than words, and the President’s actions thus far have been hurtful and divisive. I hope his rhetoric tonight will be followed by a new spirit of bipartisan, bicameral cooperation that

GOP Responses to State of the Union

Rep. Buddy Carter (GA-1): “President Trump spoke tonight about the strong state of our union. Over the past year, Congress has worked with President Trump to produce concrete results for the American people. Due to a bold agenda and pro-growth legislation like the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, our economy is growing, unemployment is down,

Lt. Gov Hopeful Jeffares Launches Dirty Jobs Tour

In a Lt. Governor’s race that is heavily favored for Sen. David Shafer (R, 48), former Sen. Rick Jeffares has started a “Dirty Jobs” tour to share his ideas on technical education. He also plans to “highlight his plans for a college tuition freeze for incoming freshmen to make planning for a four-year degree easier

AG Carr Raises Over $1 Million for 2018 Election

From a campaign press release: Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr today announced that he has raised more than $1 million for his 2018 election campaign thanks to the generous support of more than a thousand donors across the state of Georgia. More than $538,000 of that $1 million was raised since June 30, 2017. Carr’s

Sen. Butch Miller Elected as Senate Pro Tempore

From the Georgia Senate Press Office: On Monday, the Georgia Senate nominated and elected Senator Butch Miller (R – Gainesville) as President Pro Tempore of the Georgia Senate. “It is an honor to serve my constituents and the Senate as a whole in this capacity,” said Sen. Miller. “I am incredibly thankful for the support