Author: Lawton Sack

Sen. Rick Jeffares Announces Lt. Gov. Campaign Team

From a press release: State Senator and candidate for Lt. Governor Rick Jeffares today announced the senior campaign team that will help him bring his conservative education and job creation message to the people of Georgia. “This is a terrific team and I look forward to their help in organizing the grassroots, raising resources and

Georgia Tax Revenues Up 7.1% in July

An announcement made yesterday by Gov. Nathan Deal stated that Georgia’s net tax collections for July, 2017 totaled almost $1.72 billion, an increase of about $113.4 million (7.1%) from July, 2016. The following is a breakdown of the July, 2017 revenues in comparison to July, 2016: Description Amount Collected Change From July, 2016 % Change Individual income

Sen. Perdue Introducing Legislation to Reform Immigration

From a press release from Sen. David Perdue (R, GA): U.S. Senators David Perdue (R-GA) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) today will introduce the Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy (RAISE) Act, a bill that would spur economic growth and raise working Americans’ wages by giving priority to the best-skilled immigrants from around the world and reducing overall