Author: Lawton Sack

Congressional Leadership Fund Releases Final Anti-Ossoff Ad in #GA6 

Brian Freeman at Newsmax has reported that the Congressional Leadership Fund, a Republican Super PAC with affiliations with U.S. House Republican Leadership, has released its final ad as part of its $7 million campaign against Jon Ossoff. The ad chastises Ossoff for avoiding two debates (Atlanta Press Club and CNN), misrepresenting his national security credentials,

Handel Releases New #GA6 Ad “About You”

We are a week away from the GA-6 special election between Karen Handel and Jon Ossoff.  Handel has released a new TV ad that focuses on her experience and Ossoff’s raising millions from outside of Georgia. Handel spokeswoman Kate Constantini: “Jon Ossoff has raised millions from outside that state of Georgia from people with different

Landmark/WSBTV Poll Shows Dead Heat in #GA6 Race

A Landmark Communications/WSBTV poll appears to reveal a dead heat between Jon Ossoff and Karen Handel in the #GA6 race. The poll of 500 likely voters conducted May 30-31, 2017 showed 49.1% for Ossoff, 47.6% for Handel, and 3.3% undecided. The poll utilized a mixture of interviews including IVR (recorded interviews) and online surveys. The

RC Cola Did Not Troll President Trump

RC Cola, based out of Columbus, GA, has fallen victim to an internet troll. Somebody created the fake Twitter account @OfficialRCCola and pretended to be the company. The impostor posted a Tweet yesterday morning that stated “We have no plans to release any covfefe flavored cola. If you want the taste of incompetence there are other

Handel Confirms Four #GA6 Debates

We have received a press release from Karen Handel’s campaign announcing four confirmed debates between her and Jon Ossoff. Three of the four debates will be televised. Mrs. Handel stated: “I look forward to several robust debates on the issues so that the people of the 6th District can be informed about the stark contrast

NRCC: Ossoff is Too Risky for #GA6

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has released a new TV ad in the #GA6 race that “targets Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff for his support of the notably dangerous Iran Deal and shows how his liberal policies are just too risky to keep Georgians safe.” NRCC Communications Director Matt Gorman: “Not only did Jon Ossoff

Handel Releases #GA6 Ad About Ossoff’s Mistruths

Karen Handel has released a new ad entitled “Caught” that alleges Ossoff has been misleading voters about his experience and Karen Handel. Handel campaign spokeswoman Kate Constantini:   “The 6th District needs someone who has the experience and the record of success to be an effective representative in Congress. Dangerous liberal Jon Ossoff has neither.

Handel Campaign Responds to New Ossoff #GA6 Ad

Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff released a new ad yesterday entitled “Wasting.” Ossoff states that he does not have time in the 30-second ad to list out all the areas that both parties are wasting money and instead directs them to his website to view his list that could save $16 billion. He does quickly highlight three