Author: Lawton Sack

It’s Legislative Day 40 – Sine Die!

It’s the 40th day of the 2017 session, which typically translates into a late night in the Georgia House and Senate. It’s a day (and night) that skills such as speed reading and fast talking really come in handy. Who knows what today will behold. With the House rejecting SB 1 and Speaker David Ralston

Georgia House Honors Jon Richards

Speaker David Ralston honors Jon Richards House Resolution 795 By: Representatives Ralston of the 7th, Abrams of the 89th, Burns of the 159th, Taylor of the 79th, Brockway of the 102nd, Cox of the 108th and others A RESOLUTION Honoring the life and memory of Jonathan Blair Richards; and for other purposes. WHEREAS, the State

Club for Growth to Run Negative Handel Ad in #GA6

Nathan L. Gonzales of Roll Call reported that Club for Growth Action has purchased a $250,000 anti-Handel ad buy to run on cable in Atlanta beginning tomorrow. The ad is scheduled to air until the GA-6 special election on April 18th. Advance voting began yesterday in the district. The ad takes on spending while Karen Handel served

Sen. Perdue Endorses Moody in #GA6

A press release from Dan Moody’s GA-6 Congressional campaign shares that they have secured the endorsement of U.S. Senator David Perdue: U.S. Senator David Perdue today endorsed Dan Moody’s campaign for Congress in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District. Perdue, a successful businessman and CEO before his outsider campaign for the U.S. Senate, is seen as a

A Resolution Honoring Jon Richards

A resolution was placed in the Senate hopper on Friday in recognition of Jon Richards. Senate Resolution 539 By: Senators Unterman of the 45th, Martin of the 9th, Shafer of the 48th, Butler of the 55th, Henson of the 41st and others A RESOLUTION Recognizing Jon Richards; and for other purposes. WHEREAS, Jon Richards became

Cove’s Law to be Considered Today in the Senate

The Senate is set to consider Cove’s Law (HB241) today. The legislation seeks to provide an option, but not a mandate, for parents to screen their newborn for Krabbe Disease at a cost to the parents of between $3-5. The proposed legislation is named after Cove Marie Ellis. She was diagnosed with Krabbe Disease in February, 2016