Author: Mike Hassinger

Handicapping Georgia 2018 – Lt. Gov Edition

As clear as the list of potential candidates for Governor in 2018, the list for Lieutenant Governor is probably longer and more uncertain. Nonetheless, some potential candidates make bigger-than-average blips on the radar screen, and deserve consideration. The man at the top of everyone’s list has to be State Rep. Allen Peake, a Republican from

Handicapping Georgia 2018

There’s no sense in sugarcoating any of this, 2016 has been a disastrous year for the Republican party and our national institutions. Nobody trusts the media. Hillary Clinton’s campaign insinuates that Russia is “meddling” in the Presidential election –to the benefit of Donald Trump. Polls are “rigged,” as is, according to Trump, the entire election.

A “Pat” On The Back

Now that it’s all over but the shouting, (from some dopey college kids who ought to be locked up for disrupting a public meeting) and Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens been appointed President of Kennesaw State University and Chris Carr, the former Commissioner of the State Department of Economic Development, has been announced as Olens’ replacement, we should

Randy Evans, Hearing The Sound Of Inevitability…

As reported by Greg Bluestein, Georgia GOP Attorney and National Republican Committeeman Randy Evans seems to sense something beyond November 8. At an Atlanta Press Club panel, Evans said: “Hillary will do for gender relations what Obama did for race relations,” to “audible gasps” in the room. Evans elaborated: “She will galvanize or divide us

Isakson Hits Back

Despite a comfortable and consistent lead in the polls US Senator Johnny Isakson’s campaign is apparently taking nothing for granted and released a commercial accusing his opponent of hypocrisy. Notice there’s not a single accusation that Jim Barksdale is lying, low-energy crook whose father probably killed JFK. By 2016 standards, accusing your political opponent of only hypocrisy seems

State Board of Education Supports Fixing Failing Schools

To the question “Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended to allow the state to intervene in chronically failing public schools in order to improve student performance?” Georgia’s State Board of Education unanimously says “yes.” Apparently they understand that if it’s broke, you’re supposed to fix it. From the release:  “The State Board of Education is

Atlanta Gets The Most Robocalls

People living in the 404 area code may be a little peeved. According to Jacques Couret at the Atlanta Business Chronicle, “The latest YouMail Robocall Index shows Atlanta’s 404 area code was the nation’s most robocalled area codes for the ninth straight month, with 49,362,000 robocalls in August.” Roughly one in six phone numbers calling

Soros Forces Henry D.A. Candidate Out Of Race

George Soros, the 86-year old currency manipulator and alleged Nazi collaborator, has forced Matt McCord out of the race for Henry County District Attorney. “Matt McCord announced his withdrawal from the campaign effective immediately, after apparently learning of a six-figure donation to his opponent, Darius Pattillo.” Soros’ donations were first reported by Aaron Gould Sheinin