Author: Ginny

Morning Reads for Friday, March 27, 2020

What would Lewis Grizzard, the patron saint of GeorgiaPol, have to say about The Present Pestilence?  I couldn’t find any notable quotes, so leave what you think would be a good Lewis-ism in the comments.  RIP Bill Bartholomay. Life at our house. Free KK donuts on Monday to healthcare workers!  Mary Norwood urging GOPers to

Morning Reads for Friday, the 13th of March, 2020

Lots of events are cancelled/posponed/suspended. The key is to be flexible, be safe, and be well. As for me and my house, we’ll be stress-baking. For those counting… NBA suspends season. MLB suspends season.  MLS suspends for 30 days. NCAA March Madness canceled. St. Patrick’s Day parades canceled. GA Legislature suspends (but don’t take the silverware out

Morning Reads for Friday, March 6, 2020

Thank you, Baby Jesus, for the rain.  You can stop now.  Corona virus testing in Georgia.  Athens-Clarke Co. rejects new voter machines. This is so funny, on so many ruffley layers. Quick, to the drive-thrus! So helpful, they are. Things are bad in Iran. This is really cool. Prayers for Nashville.

Morning Reads for Friday, February 28, 2020

Who can relate?  (Hey, lookin’ at you, South Georgia.) RIP Father of all the Lego people.  Has it really been 5 years?  November Christmas comes early. “Winner” of Marketing 101 contest. It’s like Valentine’s Day, but in cold, cold space. Bad form. Chrome’s bright, shiny bug. The Fun Police strike again.

Morning Reads for Friday, February 21, 2020

Over-achievers, we are.  Savannah State has a problem. Clemson buys out Wisconsin contract to play Georgia in 2021 opener. Seen any Tiny Doors lately?  Faster, please. Pass the popcorn. Everyone is sick of this rain.  At least we don’t have ice volcanoes.  Is it possible for both of them to lose?  Don’t use your phone

Morning Reads for Friday, February 14, 2020

Be sweet to your Valentines. Remember they watch you sleep. RIP Dr. Betty Siegel. SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas in town to dedicate judicial building. James Brown’s death being investigated. Lowest bidder.  (Too soon?) Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice… oh wait.  Did it happen thousands of years ago? Or about to happen now, and no one will see

Morning Reads for Friday, February 7, 2020

This will make your ol’ Grinchy heart grow three sizes. Don’t be getting any ideas, now… Atlanta traffic is bad enough!  These just get better and better. “Unexpected” consequences. Faster, please. Oh look, Bezos is starting a space company. More palindromes. The happiness poll. Fear no darkness. 

Morning Reads for Friday, January 31, 2020

People in Georgia are losing their minds.  This gives many people on the Westside the sadz.  You think California’s job-killer regulations won’t fly here?  Just wait.  Yes, there are bad grits and good grits.  Lewis, may he RIP, had many opinions about this.  And there was great rejoicing.  Too close to really being the news… 

Morning Reads for Friday, January 24, 2020

Remember the definition of insanity.  That would buy a whole lotta chicken.  The dire predictions of Thunder Dome, but worse, are greatly exaggerated.  Prayers for a blog friend, Kathy.  Invest in some of those germs masks, they said.  My face.  My business.   Beautiful, brilliant Cardiff.  Faster, please.  Yet another reason to hate dementia. RIP Terry

Morning Reads for Friday, January 17, 2020

Atlanta in the 1920’s. MLK events around town. Good advice. But it’s better, right? No kidding (said from the blissful quiet of the half-empty “collaborative” office space). Is the Yoko comparison too harsh?  Or not harsh enough? Who wants one of these? Feats of strength. Or something. Laws are for little people. I could go