Author: Ginny

Morning Reads for Friday, February 3, 2017

Today is FALCONS FRIDAY! All that smack talk from Patriots fans. And it’s all wrong. A little background on everyone’s favorite rookie. Sadness. Like many others sick of the insanity, Iowahawk is leaving social media. Facebook, RIP. If you can. Nerd stuff. Fireman and Boston Marathon survivor he saved to tie the knot. And from

Morning Reads for Friday, January 27, 2017

RIP Butch Trucks. Well yeah, Boston, it IS personal. Most priced out of in-town real estate. Decatur making plans for the Methodist Children’s Home property. Nothing to see here. Move along. Better, but still over-regulated. Just in time for the Super Bowl. SCOTUS nominees. Some people are really disturbed. Did they quit or were they

Morning Reads for Friday, January 20, 2017

Enjoy the Inauguration festivities today. As my grandma used to say – Pretty is as Pretty does. Really, people, just settle down. Oh, my. “…inconsolable apoplexy. And it’s led to some truly tragic, and embarrassing, behavior among some.” And there’s this. Only the bestest, gold-plated axe will do. New hope for Education? Judith! Judith! Judith!

Morning Reads for Friday, January 13, 2017

#YIKES #FirstFriday13of2017 #BeCarefulOutThere You can beat your sweet bippy, they did. A “Mimosa Mandate.” Or something. Where do I send my resume? Please stop fighting. Please. A.Ham must be spinning in his grave right now. LL Bean is the latest boycott, for those who boycott. That was quick. Boom. Dare it to say, that small

Morning Reads for Friday, December 30, 2016

2016, be gone! Like most of my geeky friends, my heart is broken. Everyone should read this. Food for thought. Different strokes for different folks. Or something. ESPN ratings tank. Wonder why… They didn’t just fade away. They traveled discreetly, bringing earth from their native land in coffins, hid in the shadows and bided their

Morning Reads for Friday, December 16, 2016

You’re welcome! Traffic? You won’t see no traffic. Schedule revamp at WSB Radio. Farmers and big data (podcast). Parking lots as far as the eye can see. Take this job and shove it. More votes than registered voters in Detroit. Gasp! Give it a rest, folks. What could go wrong? Where do these people come

Morning Reads for Friday, December 9, 2016

16 days ’til Christmas! #panic Of course, he’d say that. Yummy, yummy cheese, coming to town. Shaq makes Walkin’ Small look like Walkin’ Microscopic! There’s an app for that. Smart kid. Electors not electing. Suck it up, buttercup. Shoot, everybody’s got a microwave. We’ll all be rich! Doesn’t BuzzFeed have enough problems? Any Jedi can

Morning Reads for Friday, December 2, 2016

DECEMBER? It’s DECEMBER?!?!? #panic Words escape… more later. Sigh. Even more rules. Clark Atlanta gets a big donation. Location. Location. Location. Haggling. Prayers for East Tennessee. How to help. Flap or flop on Fixer Upper? How to get folks to turn OFF their phones. Checking out, for real. Carry your gun nationwide? Democrats promise to