In 2005, north Fulton County residents decided they wanted their own government, but without all of the hassle. Thus, the city of Sandy Springs was born, where almost all government services are delivered by private sector companies that submit competitive bids for the opportunity to do so. It sounds like something out a Republican fantasy,
If Washington gridlock could be captured by one issue, it would be immigration reform. Not since the 1990s have the House, the Senate, and the President been able to agree on legislation that addresses the country’s 11 million undocumented immigrants, nearly half of whom come from Mexico. On Wednesday, history repeated itself in the U.S.
Long live the days when Social Security was the third rail of American politics. It has been replaced by a program that is even more sacrosanct and impervious to reform: Medicare. On Tuesday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the PADME Act sponsored by Georgia Rep. Tom Price (R-6). PADME delays cuts to reimbursement rates for rural
History will mark 2016 as a year when insurgent progressives seriously threatened the candidacy of a mainstream, moderate Democrat. And believe it or not, Bernie Sanders might have only been the first half of that story. On Wednesday night, Athens hosted its first presidential candidate of the 2016 cycle, bringing Dr. Jill Stein to the
To hear Congressmen Buddy Carter (GA-1) and Doug Collins (GA-9) tell it, the insurance giant Humana is improperly using pharmacy quality measures to drive small pharmacies out of business. On Tuesday, the congressmen sent a letter to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services expressing concern over Humana’s proposed amendment to its Pharmacy Provider Agreement
The political winds are shifting in Georgia and hopefully those winds will soon start generating electricity. On Thursday Georgia Power formalized an agreement with the Public Service Commission to add 1,200 megawatts of renewable power to its energy plan for the state. For those of us who don’t know science, that is enough energy to
Bob Dylan once told us that “the times they are a changing.’” This was never more apparent than on May 23, 2007 when researchers found that, for the first time in human history, more people were living in urban areas than rural areas. These shifting demographics were centuries in the making as higher wages and
Are you a Republican who is concerned about the impact that Donald Trump is having on the GOP brand? If so, then stop by the 5 Seasons Westside at 7PM tonight for an event hosted by the Atlanta Young Republicans. A panel will discuss the following questions: Will Trump reinvigorate the Republican Party, or will he
On Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a $576 billion defense spending bill. The vote was 282 to 138 with a majority of Republicans in favor and a majority of Democrats opposed. All 10 Georgia Republicans voted yes. Georgia Democrats split, with Representatives John Lewis (GA-5) and Hank Johnson (GA-4) opposed, Rep. Sanford Bishop (GA-2)
On Monday, the Georgia Power Company announced that it will shut down operations at its 29 coal ash ponds in Georgia over the next three years. Coal ash is the waste left over when coal is burned to generate electricity. The EPA says it is one of the largest types of industrial waste in the