Author: Teri

Morning Reads for Tuesday, September 29

Good morning! If you live in Georgia’s 5th Congressional District, don’t forget to vote [for the person who will represent you for, oh, a week or so, tops, until January and the winner of the general election in November cough*NikemaWilliams*cough is sworn in to truly represent the 5th for a full term]! President Carter formally

Morning Reads for Tuesday, September 22

Good morning! I hope you enjoyed the 21st night of September. Air quality studies indicate that since the Sterigenics plant in Cobb County reopened following the explicit request of the Governor, levels of ethylene oxide are at least as high – and in some cases higher – than they were prior to the County forcing

Rethinking Stone Mountain

This past Tuesday’s Morning Reads included a link to an article covering a discussion between the Stone Mountain Action Coalition, a group of citizens that describes themselves as, “a movement dedicated to a more inclusive Stone Mountain Park centered on the principles of healing, transformation and progress,” and the Stone Mountain Memorial Association, the official

Morning Reads for Tuesday, September 15

Good morning! If you are a quarterly tax filer, don’t forget that today’s the deadline to pay your estimate taxes for the June 1 – August 31 payment period – and there are no more pandemic extensions. Today’s nomination for the story most likely to be a slow burn with broad repercussions is this Georgia

Morning Reads for Tuesday, September 8

Good morning! Early Tuesdays in September are typically a time for beginnings: the weather teases us with that first whiff of cooler temperatures, the school year has kicked in, fall sports are in full swing, political campaigns are in high gear. At least, that’s usually how it is. This is the Year of Our Lord

Morning Reads for Tuesday, September 1

Good morning! It’s September. I’ve always thought that September is the cruelest month, because we want so dearly for fall to arrive, but it’s basically hot as blazes all month. In a major update to Georgia’s election process, a judge ruled yesterday that absentee by mail ballots must be counted if they are postmarked on

Morning Reads for Tuesday, August 25

Good morning! We are asserting that we don’t need a statewide mask mandate for Georgians to do the right thing while we are also exhorting Georgians to please not drink bleach. Delta will slowly add more international flights. They will also continue to cap seating at 75% capacity through at January 2021 (at least; depends

Morning Reads for Tuesday, August 18

Good morning, and happy 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment! The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. How a Jack

Morning Reads for Tuesday, August 4

Good morning! Today is the first day of (virtual) school for many children in my area; their district, Marietta City Schools, announced that at least 5 staffers tested positive for COVID-19. Earlier this summer, MCS Superintendent Grand Rivera was clear that unless we have widespread testing and contact tracing in Georgia, schools could not safely

Morning Reads for Tuesday, July 28

Good morning! Here’s your periodic reminder that while you should wear a mask, you should not wear the kind of mask that has valves (unless you are alone, working in your dusty attic or cleaning a chicken house). They are so useless against preventing the spread of COVID-19 that even Disney has banned them. Anyway: