Author: Theresa Garcia Robertson

Morning Reads for Monday, May 6, 2019.

Good Morning from West Georgia and one sleep-deprived mama. Here’s hoping your coffee is as strong as mine this morning. It’s NOT funny…Cut.It.Out. It’s National Nurses Week! Here’s a list of freebies and discounts. Thanks for all you do. This year’s Kentucky Derby was one for the books. Watch the craziness here.  NASA’s biennial asteroid impact

Morning Reads for Monday, April 8, 2019

I don’t know about y’all, but this first Monday after session already feels amazing. It’s Masters Week. There is homemade pimento cheese in my fridge. Texas Tech is in the National Championship tonight. I’m sitting on MY couch, watching the news on MY tv, and drinking coffee. Kirstjen Nielson has resigned as Homeland Security Secretary.

Morning Reads for Monday, April 1, 2019

I wish I had some clever April Fools to pull on y’all. But it’s the last Monday before we close the 2019 Legislative Session and my brain’s tired. However, I found this culmination of Google’s April Fool’s jokes. Aww, poor, creepy Uncle Joe. Scientists have identified 530,000 sites worldwide suitable for pumped-hydro energy storage, capable of

Protecting Our Nation’s Most Vulnerable – A Special from Congressman Drew Ferguson

The start of 2019 marked the beginning of the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives. In just three months since taking power, the Democratic Party has embarked on a radical agenda threatening Americans’ constitutional rights and undermining the freedoms we hold so dear. This lurch to the far left extends to state legislative bodies across the United