Author: Will Kremer

Morning Reads in Numbers — October 23

Happy Monday, everyone! Did you know the slinky was born when a World War 2 naval engineer dropped a torsion spring and watched in awe as it “walked” across a table? The creator’s wife said in a 2001 interview that she knew it would be a success because “children love simple things.” The News in

Monday Morning Reads — Hope For The Best Edition

Happy Monday, everyone! This week will usher in the newest addition to my family and the newest tiny human who will address me as Uncle Will. Hope for the best. State Atlanta deserves more R-E-S-P-E-C-T than this. Basic. How Georgia became Yallywood. Sheriff indicted after ordering a pat-down of 900 students. Okay, okay, this is

Monday Morning Reads — October 2

Happy Monday, but more importantly HAPPY OCTOBER! It’s the best month. You’ll find me in a corn maze or pumpkin patch or watching tree leaves fall. Praise. State An Atlanta city councilman candidate was robbed outside his campaign office. The Falcons tried…I think. Meanwhile UGA continues to dominate. “Mayor Fort” – Bernie Sanders. Gag. Ex-State

Monday Morning Reads — Sept 25

Happy Monday, everyone! State A man on death row requested three spicy chicken breasts, roast beef sandwich with sauce, fish sandwich, tater logs, onion rings, apple pie and a vanilla milkshake for his last meal. Georgia is a magnet for international business. Dozens of sea turtles return to the coast after Irma. The ultimate Atlanta road

Monday Morning Reads — September 11

Two major events today: Hurricane Irma and the 9/11 anniversary. In lieu of 10 links to oddities and news, I give you two links to important information. State This link is to the Georgia Department of Emergency Management hurricane preparedness sheet. National This link is to a minute-by-minute timeline of September 11, 2011.

Thursday Morning Reads — Double Shot of Will Edition

Knock knock, it’s me again. Keep Jessica in your prayers as she’s undergoing medical issues. Hopefully she’ll be curating your Thursday Morning Reads next week. Until then, you’ve got me. Georgia One of Georgia’s last surviving Blue Dog Democrats, Congressman Bishop, has competition. …A tiger was loose in Atlanta yesterday. Georgia hotels are filling up

Monday Morning Reads — August 28

Happy Monday, everyone! Taylor Swift released a new song over the weekend. You probably don’t care, but it’s pretty catchy. State Mercedes-Benz Stadium in pictures! You may have heard about a hurricane that hit Texas…well, find out how it may impact gas prices. Did you know that nepotism is a problem in politics? Shocked and upset.