Category: 2016 Elections

Don’t Be Too Worried About A Conspiracy To Hack The Vote

We’ve written for the past couple of weeks about Secretary of State Brian Kemp’s tepid attitude towards federal intervention of election administration all in the name of cyber-security.  Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has been making remarks about the “rigged system” that will steal this election from him for a while now, and I know

Which Are The Most Vulnerable Seats in the General Assembly this November?

Over at Politics4Tomorrow, Austin Wagner takes a look at which State House and State Senate districts might be most vulnerable to flip from Republican to Democrat and vice-versa. To determine the districts most likely to flip, he starts with a vulnerability index developed by the DailyKos to determine winnable U.S. house and senate races, and

Isakson Says Democrats Playing Politics With Troop Funding

There was a time when the Defense Authorization Bill wasn’t generally used as a political football. Can’t say exactly when that ended, but a morning story from Politico notes the unusual step of the Pentagon openly coordinating a political plan as part of the executive branch. The memo, prepared for Defense Secretary Ash Carter and

Hillary buys air time in Georgia, take a look:

Georgia Democrats have been clamoring that Georgia needs to be considered among North Carolina and Virginia as states worthy of investment. After polls showing that she is running close here, Hillary Clinton may have been convinced. The campaign is running the following ad showing veterans and Gold Star parents watching Donald Trump’s remarks. Georgia has

Hillary Clinton’s Success in Georgia Could Depend On Her Appeal to Millennial Blacks

Newspaper stories about how Georgia might could possibly be in play for the Democrats this election year are seemingly a dime a dozen, as pundits weigh the unpopularity of Donald Trump against an increasing percentage of minority voters in the Peach State that typically vote for Democrats. Typical of the genre is this story from