Category: 2016 Elections

Ashley Bell refutes racism charges

Amid a firestorm of allegations attempting to paint Donald Trump as a ‘racist’, the GOP nominee has big plans for a completely new tactic in Republican politics. According to Ashley Bell, national director of African-American outreach for the Republican National Committee, Trump will be holding events in predominantly black areas beginning next month. As Bell

GOP Group Investigating Having Hillary Clinton Removed From the Georgia Presidential Ballot

The Eleventh District Committee of the Georgia Republican Party is studying the possibility of having Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton removed from the Georgia ballot in November. The effort is based on an assumption that the former Secretary of State mishandled classified emails that were stored on her home server, and that under federal law,

Democrats, Manuel’s Tavern, and Bill Clinton: This Ain’t a Drill

Manuel’s Tavern is more than a bar. It’s where Ralph McGill unwound after a full day of giving the Civil Rights Movement a fair shake. Gene Patterson undoubtedly discussed his famed column, A Flower for the Graves, with his fellow stool dwellers amidst the cherry paneled corridors. The sainted adherents of Dr. Martin Luther King

NYT: In Atlanta, Trump’s Efforts To Court Blacks Fall Flat

Late last week, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump ventured into new territory by making a specific appeal to African Americans. At his speech Friday in Dimondale Michigan, Trump asked blacks, “You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58% of your youth is unemployed — what the hell do you

Georgia Voices Join Call for A Special Prosecutor to Investigate Hillary Clinton

It has not been a good week for Hillary Clinton. The Federal Bureau of Investigation discovered 14,900 additional emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server that had not previously been identified. An investigation by the Associated Press shows that more than half of those representing private interests who met with Clinton while she was Secretary

AP Rates GA Lean Republican, Gives Grim Outlook for Trump

Georgia continues to be in play for Hillary Clinton according to the Associated Press.  The wire service updated its forecast for the presidential race and Trump remains on course to be slaughtered. AZ, MO, UT(!) and Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District are the other leans republican parts of the country. For Donald Trump, the electoral map is

Cook, Rothenberg Predict Clinton Win in November

Two well-known political prognosticators bore bad news for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as they addressed the annual Georgia Chamber of Commerce Congressional Luncheon this afternoon in Macon. Charlie Cook of the Cook Political Report and Stuart Rothenberg, publisher of the Rothenberg Political Report gave their opinions on the state of the November election, with

Criminal Record Blocks Candidacy For Sheriff, But Not House

The Albany Herald takes a look at a House Race in SW Georgia…and finds an interesting series of events as to how Democrats picked an independent to challenge the Republican with the longest record of service to the House of Representatives.  The original Democratic challenger, James “I’m not Griftdrift” Williams, lost a post-qualifying challenge based

Conservative Third Party Candidate Ramps Up Efforts

Despite multiple attempts at drafting, soliciting, cajoling, arm twisting,  pleading, and oftentimes begging, conservative media and establishment types repeatedly failed to draft a third party candidate into the presidential race. Right when all seemed lost for any third party movement to get on individual state ballots, raise the money necessary, or hire enough staff, Evan

Will 2016 Be the Last Hurrah for the Southern Strategy?

In this year’s presidential politics, all eyes are on Georgia. This, of course, is because recent polling indicates the Peach State might be ready to elect its first Democrat since Bill Clinton in 1992. For many, the reason appears obvious. Georgia’s growing minority population, which the conventional wisdom states will vote Democratic, is growing, and