Category: 2016 Elections

Polling Shows a Decline in Support for Trump by Evangelicals, Compared to Romney 4 Years Ago

This morning, New York Times columnist Ross Douthat speculated on Twitter that polling in Georgia shows that evangelicals are supporting Donald Trump at a lower rate than they did Mitt Romney back in 2012. Back to Georgia: State is 40% evangelical. Romney got 53 percent. If Trump's in the high 30s, he *has* to be

In One Analysis, Georgia Has Become a Blue State

If you have been waiting for Georgia to turn blue, you have your wish: That’s the latest map from the political prognosticators at FiveThirtyEight. It gives Hillary a 50.2% chance of winning the Peach State to Donald Trump’s 49.8%. Of course, there are disclaimers. This is their Now-cast view, which assumes that the election is

Secretary Kemp Launches New App And Texting Services

Secretary of State Brian Kemp’s office announced a new app and a new voter registration service. The app, which is available for free on iPhone and Android, allows users to check their voter page, use business search, register businesses, and search the Certificate of Existence database. Perhaps most intriguing is the new voter registration service. Georgians can initiate

Electoral College Member Who Might Not Vote for Donald Trump Resigns

Well, that didn’t last long. After Republican Party elector Baoky Vu announced that he would not vote for Donald Trump in the November election, and indicated he might not vote for Trump in the Electoral College, he reconsidered his position this afternoon, and has resigned from his position as a Presidential Elector in the Electoral

Religion And Politics – The Enemy Is Us

This week’s Courier Herald column: The benediction to the first night of the Republicans’ convention two weeks ago was unusual. Pastor Mark Burns of South Carolina announced to the delegates “Our enemy is not other Republicans, but is Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.” He then prayed that “we together can defeat the liberal Democratic

Voter Turnout Low in the Runoff Election Even With Increased Opportunities to Vote and New Technologies

Despite a record breaking Presidential Preference Primary on March 1st in Georgia, the July 26th runoffs did not see the best turnout. In a press release issued by Secretary of State Brian Kemp’s office, the voter turnout for Tuesday’s election, which was the last election for Georgia until the November General Election, was declared “low”