Category: 2016 Elections

Does Political Advertising Really Work?

In an article over at Praxis, Matthew Sheffield discusses whether political ads that pepper our evening TV viewing time during the campaign season really work.  In his opinion, they don’t, and he give five reasons why. I think we’ve gone past “weird” in terms of the 2016 political season, but Donald Trump has bucked a lot of

Runoff Rundown: State Senate edition

There are two State Senate runoffs, one in Augusta to replace Bill Jackson in District 24, and another to challenge incumbent JaNice Van Ness in district 43. The Augusta runoff pits former House member and 2012 John Barrow challenger Lee Anderson against newcomer and military veteran Greg Grzybowski. Anderson’s website is a bit short of policy

Rob Woodall on Why He Supports Donald Trump (And a Lot More)

Georgia Seventh District Congressman Rob Woodall, who reporesents portions of Gwinnett and Forsyth counties, was one of the last to announce his support for Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump. At the Republican National Convention last week, Woodall was on a roundtable that discussed the middle class and its role in the presidential election. The

Mayors Reed & Franklin, Stacey Abrams Highlight Georgians at Democratic Convention

The GOP Convention, warts and all, is mercifully over. And on Monday the Democrats begin their quadrennial ritual of formalizing their nominee for POTUS. Georgia Democrats, in contrast to the Republicans, will have several high-profile positions at their convention. (Governor Deal was the most prominent Georgia Republican, speaking on a panel about criminal justice reform). Former

Isakson Endorses Drew Ferguson in GA-3; Race Also Has Trump Vs Cruz Sub-Plot

This morning, Johnny Isakson has endorsed Drew Ferguson over Mike Crane in the race to replace Lynn Westmoreland in Congress. Isakson in a press release (full release below the fold) says Ferguson has his “full support”. The race is about to get some national attention as Senator Ted Cruz will do a soft launch of

Flip the Flippin GOPers

Ok folks, it’s been a blast. The ‘never, ever, ever, blessed ever and I mean I’m serious never Trump’ movement is dead! Thankfully!!! Donald J. Trump ran an unconventional outsider campaign against both major political parties, those who fund them and their media partners in crime. Using this unique never before tried strategy, he won