Category: 2016 Elections

GOP: Hillary Clinton Should Be Punished

Earlier today, FBI Director James Comey effectively brought the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server to an end, announcing that the FBI would not recommend bringing charges against the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. Last week, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced she would accept the FBI’s recommendation and not override it. Georgia Republican Party Chairman

Five Thirty Eight Model: Trump Wins Georgia, But Clinton Wins Nationally in a Landslide

Nate Silver, who runs the popular polling / prediction site, developed a forecasting model that correctly picked the outcome of the 2012 presidential election. Now, he is out with the 2016 version, which is based on the one used in 2012, but has been improved, notably by splitting the model into three separate forecasts,

Herman Cain Endorses Drew Ferguson in HD 3

Former businessman, presidential candidate and conservative talk show host Herman Cain has endorsed Drew Ferguson for the open 3rd District congressional seat being vacated by Lynn Westmoreland. In a press release issued by Ferguson, Cain said, In politics, there are candidates with a record of doing things and others with a history of talking about

Westmoreland Endorses Ferguson As Successor

This morning 3rd District Congressman Lynn Westmoreland endorsed former West Point Mayor Drew Ferguson to be his successor. Ferguson faces State Senator Mike Crane of Newnan in next month’s Republican primary runoff. In addition to the Congressman, Ferguson has garnered the support of every other primary challenger from May’s primary – as well as Mike